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Q: Did the colonist have a large well trained army compared to the british?
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What were two advantages that the colonists had over the British during the revolutionary war?

Two advantages the British had over the patriots were the British had a Navy and the Patriots didn't and the British had a well trained and more experienced army than the Patriots.

Why did these actions alarm the colonist?

I think this is the answer The British planned to keep 10,000 troops in America to protect their interests.

Why were the colonist families large?

there would be more protection

Explain why conflict between the colonist and Britain increased after 1763?

Following the Seven Years War with the French the British had a large debt, which they believed the colonies should hold the large of the burden due to the war being in the colonies and as such increased the taxes, additionally the Proclamation of 1763 prevented settlers from settling Indian land which they thought they should be able to especially after the war, additionally the British left a small standing army of about 10,000 on the colonial border which the colonist disliked.

Who was the person when a large crowd of colonist gathered outside the Customs House?

Are you refering to Boston? A single British soldier was on guard but called out the other 7 soldiers on duty when the crowd began to grow.

Why New York become so critical for the England forces to take at 1777?

The British had a hard time getting supplies by ship . . . New York had a large harbor that was not controlled by the colonist revolutionaries.

Is mercury large or small?

Compared to other planets, yes it is small. But compared to a house, no, it is very large...

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It is compared to a large car.

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the native land

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What is large areas of land?

Large is a comparative term.What may be large in one context may not be so in another.A house garden may be large compared to other house gardens but it is tiny compared to a county, which in turn is small compared to a country,

Is Cape Town large?

Compared to an atom, yes. Compared to the earth, no.