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The Battle of New Orleans in Spring of 1862 was a valuable victory for the Union. Louisiana and New Orleans were valuable assets for the Confederacy. New Orleans was a large city, in fact the sixth largest in the entire USA. It was a major source of recruits, and valuable supplies. Before the Civil War, almost 1.5 million bales of cotton left New Orleans to overseas customers. Blockading Union ships were sent to bottle up Southern trade routes in the Gulf of Mexico, including New Orleans. By January 1862, Union Admirals David G. Farragut and Daniel David Dixon had organized an armada of 17 warships and 19 mortar boats near New Orleans. The city was guarded by two forts, Jackson and St. Philip. These forts were heavily bombarded by the Union warships and enough so that Farragut's fleet sailed past them and anchored off the port of New Orleans. He demanded the surrender of the city and by April 28th the two previously mentioned Confederate forts surrendered, after a mutiny .Soon after the city surrendered and was occupied by Federal troops. This was early May. 1862.

This victory,however, did not place the Mississippi River under Union control. It was a step in that direction.

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Q: Did the capture of New Orleans by Union forces under David Farragut put the Mississippi River under Confederate control?
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How did Admiral Farragut capture New Orleans in 1862?

On April 29, 1862, David Farragut began the assault that would led to the capture of New Orleans. He was able to get through the forts of Jackson and St. Philip, as well as the Chalmette batteries, in order to take the city and its port. New Orleans surrendered after a massive bombardment by the Union navy.

Why was the Union victory at New Orleans important?

The 1862 capture of New Orleans was significant because it was the largest Confederate city in the deep South. In fact it was the sixth largest city in the entire US, with a population of 170,000. It was also a major city of commerce. It had become rich as a result of the slave trade and had the nation's largest slave market. Each year 1.4 million bales of cotton passed through the port. This was over half of the US exports of cotton.

How much artillery did the Union navy use to capture New Orleans in 1862?

The Union fleet under Flag Officer David Farragut and Flag Officer Charles H. Davis had an impressive fleet. They used 286 cannons and 21 mortars to bombard the Confederate forts protecting New Orleans. With the forts gone, the City of New Orleans surrendered on April 28, 1862.

What was the first Confederate city captured during the Civil War?

Originally I asked what was the first large Confederate city to fall in the US Civil War, however, this question may suffice. In terms of a major city, it would be the port city of New Orleans. This was important as it layat the mouth of the Mississippi River. Union Admiral Farragut was in charge of the victorius battle.

Why was Vicksburg the only city left on the Mississippi river to capture?

Because the upper Mississippi had already been cleared of Confederates, and New Orleans had been blockaded and then liberated.

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What did a key victory for the north was when union naval forces under David Farragut capture?

Farragut's capture of New Orleans on April 25, 1862, after bypassing the forts defending the city and annihilating the weak Confederate river fleet.

Why was david farragut's capture of new Orleans so sugificant?

It closed one of the blockade-runners' favourite ports, and helped to liberate the Mississippi.

Who captured New Orleans in 1862?

In 1862, Officer David Farragut was able to capture the city of New Orleans without needing to take the battle into the city itself. Instead, he captured the Forts Jackson and Philip, then went unopposed in his conquest of the city. The capture of the Confederacyâ??s largest city, marked a turning point in the war.

What port city did Farragut capture?

New Orleans in April 1862.

When did Union Flag Officer David Farragut make the first attempt to capture the Confederate stronghold of Vicksburg Mississippi?

Following his success with the capture of New Orleans, Flag Officer Farragut set his sights on the Confederate stronghold of Vicksburg, Mississippi. His fleet moved up the Mississippi River and captured Baton Rouge and Natchez. His next target was Vicksburg. Farragut arrived at Vicksburg on May 18, 1862 and demanded its surrender. The Rebel garrison refused and the two enemies exchanged cannon fire. Farragut's problem was that due to the 200 foot heights the city commanded over the Mississippi River, Farragut's guns could not be placed in the elevated position required to do any damage to the city. Frustrated by this and the failure of reinforcements to bring his assault to a victory, he abandoned his assault on Vicksburg on July 24, 1862. Later, the Union army would also make more than one attempt to capture Vicksburg. Major Grant would lead these assaults and the city would surrender on July 4, 1863.

What Confederate port did Union Admiral David G Farragut want to attack after New Orleans fell?

Union Admiral David D. Farragut looked to capture the port city of Mobile, Alabama after the fall of New Orleans. The Navy Department however delayed this move. They believed the next point of attack should be at Vicksburg.

What did David Farragut contribute to society?

David Farraggut led a fleet ofUnion warships to capture New Orleans.

How did Admiral Farragut capture New Orleans in 1862?

On April 29, 1862, David Farragut began the assault that would led to the capture of New Orleans. He was able to get through the forts of Jackson and St. Philip, as well as the Chalmette batteries, in order to take the city and its port. New Orleans surrendered after a massive bombardment by the Union navy.

What was the southern city captured by admiral David Farragut?

The southern city captured by Admiral David Farragut was New Orleans, Louisiana. The capture took place on April 29, 1862.

Did the north have a formal navy?

Yes. In the American Civil War the North had a formal navy. When General Grant was unable to defeat the confederate forces defending Vicksburg, Mississippi, he asked for help from Admiral Farragut. The United States Navy sailed up the Mississippi River to Vicksburg. Admiral Farragut's Battleships aimed their cannon on the larger Confederate force. After a brief battle, the army under General Pemberton fled to Vicksburg, and the army under Joseph E. Johnson fled to Jackson Mississippi. Admiral Farragut decided to capture Mobile, Alabama. One of his officers yelled, "Sir, they have torpedoes." Admiral Farragut replied, "Damn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead."

Why was the Union victory at New Orleans important?

The 1862 capture of New Orleans was significant because it was the largest Confederate city in the deep South. In fact it was the sixth largest city in the entire US, with a population of 170,000. It was also a major city of commerce. It had become rich as a result of the slave trade and had the nation's largest slave market. Each year 1.4 million bales of cotton passed through the port. This was over half of the US exports of cotton.

Why was Davids Farragut capture new Orleans significant?

It meant that the confederacy could no longer use the river to carry its goods to sea