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Q: Did the british allow for self rule in the colonies?
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What problems did American colonists face under British rule?

The reasons why the colonies broke away could fill volumes. Libraries are full of books on early US history.They faced similar problems after British rule as they did under British rule. The main difference was the people were now self ruled and self determining and were represented in government

The right of colonies to rule themselves?

home rule

What were the positive effects in Australia when under british rule?

It pre-empted a French colonisation. It began the civilisation of a continent with stone-age inhabitants, a process which had begun thousands of years earlier on the other non-arctic continents.But each goveror had in his charter the role of protecting the Aborigines. British rule also brought British protection of the expanding Australian Colonies. British oversight ensured that the colonies observed British standards of law and order. Trade with the Mother Country supported development and rising prosperity and living standards in the Colonies. Britain was open to self-government by the colonies, and eventually the country, when they could get their acts together and demonstrate that they were capable of exercising responsible self-government.

Political History in Rhode Island 1763?

In 1763, the British enacted many laws and acts in an attempt to maintain control of the colonies. Rhode Island had the most difficult time of any of the colonies because it was used to self-rule.

What is the British Colonial System?

the colonial system is when the British wanted to make the colonies self-sufficient and they were in a competition to see who can get the most gold.

Related questions

What problems did American colonists face under British rule?

The reasons why the colonies broke away could fill volumes. Libraries are full of books on early US history.They faced similar problems after British rule as they did under British rule. The main difference was the people were now self ruled and self determining and were represented in government

The right of colonies to rule themselves?

home rule

Why did the british allow the colonies to self rule for over 150 years?

The British allowed the self 'local' rule mainly because the colonies were so far from England and early on many people died while they were developing. Also they started sending England a lot of goods, fish, produce, silver, and tobacco. It was when Britain wanted more and more that the problems developed. The people of the colonies having been far from England for so long they felt their freedom and refused to lose it. This is how the 'Great Experiment', the Constitutional Republic that is the United States, was created. I hope this helps to answer your question

What is the reason representative government developed in the british colonies in North America?

because they are black,

What were the positive effects in Australia when under british rule?

It pre-empted a French colonisation. It began the civilisation of a continent with stone-age inhabitants, a process which had begun thousands of years earlier on the other non-arctic continents.But each goveror had in his charter the role of protecting the Aborigines. British rule also brought British protection of the expanding Australian Colonies. British oversight ensured that the colonies observed British standards of law and order. Trade with the Mother Country supported development and rising prosperity and living standards in the Colonies. Britain was open to self-government by the colonies, and eventually the country, when they could get their acts together and demonstrate that they were capable of exercising responsible self-government.

Political History in Rhode Island 1763?

In 1763, the British enacted many laws and acts in an attempt to maintain control of the colonies. Rhode Island had the most difficult time of any of the colonies because it was used to self-rule.

By the mid-1700s british rule in the colonies was marked by?

By the mid 1700s, British rule in the colonies was marked by a series of taxes and restrictive trade policies. The attitude had changed largely due to Britain's financial issues. However, because they had previously left the colonists to their own devices, the new imperialistic behavior was not welcomed and resulted in rebellion.

Why representative government grew in Colonial America?

Because the colonist believed in self rule

What is the difference between French and British colonies?

France expected that their colonies would always be part of France. Britain trained their colonies to be self-governing.

What was a main belief of Enlightenment thinkers that influenced the colonies?

One main belief of Enlightenment thinkers that influenced the colonies was the idea of individual rights and freedoms, such as life, liberty, and property. This belief helped shape the colonial ideas of self-governance and independence from British colonial rule.

What is the British Colonial System?

the colonial system is when the British wanted to make the colonies self-sufficient and they were in a competition to see who can get the most gold.

What are the political causes for the founding of the different British colonies in North America?

like for self government