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The apsotle John said there will be many wars in the end times.


There's no end time prophecy that says: "World War III." It speaks to general global conditions to look for to know Jesus' return is near.

What's come to be known as "Great Tribulation" [or THE Great Tribulation] is the next big global event for which we should be looking. It composes the "fifth seal" of Revelation 6... and is described to us by Jesus in Matthew 24: 9-28.

According to Jesus... the events of the Great Tribulation will take all life on earth to the brink of annihilation.

"...then shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be [again]. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." (Matt.24:21-22)

Should all the nations of the world be foolish and desperate enough to engage in all-out war, again, as it did in World War II... where every type of weaponry that every nation had was thrown into the mix and used until it was exhausted -- then, World War III would surely be the catalyst to bring about Matthew 24:22.

Between technological advances in nuclear power, chemical and biological weaponry, laser technology, stuff of which the world in general is unaware... and the perfect fanatical willingness of some to use any and all of it against their perceived enemies -- all of the ingredients for Matthew 24:22 are extant in the world even now... and awaiting someone to combine them.

World War III is not named as such in Bible prophecy. But it's a global war that must never be fought -- or at least be "cut short" and not allowed to reach its inevitable conclusion, if it does start.

And if it does start... only God can stop it, or "there should no flesh be saved."

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Q: Did the bible prophecy world war 3?
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Did Norway fight in world war 3?

I did not know there was a world war 3 World War 3 has not happend uless they diside to call the war we're in now WW3.

Is World War 3 scary?

Yes, World war 3 is a really scary nuclear war.

Who started world war 3 and why?

I think you are slightly mistaken There is no world war 3.... :(

When did the third world war start?

There is no World War 3.

Which countries were our enemies during the world war 3?

None. World War 3 has not happened.

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