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Q: Did the ancient roman legal system stress the rights of the individual or the authority of the government?
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Did the ancient Roman legal system stress the rights of the individual over the authority of the government?

Roman law was based on the principle of rights, the rights of citizens.

The ancient roman legal system stressed the rights of the individual over the authority of the government?

Yes, Roman law was based on the principle of the rights of citizens.

Did the ancient Rome legal system stress the rights of the individual over the authority of the government?

Yes, Roman law was based on the principle of citizen rights

The basic function of government is to cause citizens to?

lawGive up individual rights to a central authority.

The contemporary debate over the Supreme Courts role is really about a proper balance between?

Government authority versus individual rights

How do the amendments to the Constitution preserve individual rights?

All of them. If you want to be more specific, the first amendment protects the individual's right to freedom of speech, religion, and to question the government's authority by petitioning and assembling peaceful protests. The second amendment protects the individual's right to own weapons. The fourth amendment protects the individual's right to privacy. Read the Bill of Rights, my friend. It's all there.

How do constitutional rights impact individual rights?

They prevent the government from abusing the individual.

What mainly stood in the way of the costitutions approval?

lack of constitutional authority

What do the individual rights do?

Individual rights are distinct from civil or legal rights as these are rights granted by government to citizens and will vary with the organization and administration of governments. Individual rights identify a boundary of just social interactions in presence or absence of government.

Why did many leaders insist The Bill of Rights be added to the constitution?

To protect individual rights in order to avoid any single power or entity within the government from having too much authority.

How does the Constitution protect individual rights?

The Constitution protects freedom in many ways. here are three ways.It sets up a fair form of government. You can't be free without justice.It sets up rules for the government to work within by creating boundaries for state government laws and federal government laws (see the 10th amendment).The Bill of Rights outlines freedom and rights preserved for the individual (some have previously argued that this is the only part of the constitution that protects individual rights).

What philosopher does the idea of unalienable rights come from and what does the philosopher call that principle?

The idea of unalienable rights comes from philosopher John Locke who referred to them as "natural rights." These rights are seen as inherent to every individual and cannot be taken away by any government or authority.