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definitely. that is what there whole life was based on.

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Q: Did the ancient Greeks do scientific experiments?
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Did the ancient Greeks do scientific experiments on Democritus's atomic theory?

The ancient Greeks did not perform any experiments to test the atomic theory proposed by Democritus. To the ancient Greeks the atomic theory was a part of philosophy, not science.

What scientific methods did the Greeks use?

The Ancient Greeks did not use the scientific method, it was not invented until modern times.

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Did they use scientific experiments in ancient Greece?

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The ancient Greeks made great achievements in government, philosophy, science, and the arts.

A scientific method goes back to?

In the history of science this approach was not originally used. The Ancient Greeks believed in doing observations and arriving at hypotheses and theories (both Greek words). They however did not believe in doing experiments.

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the three most important roots of the scientific revolution were muslims, ancient greeks, and christians/jews

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One is translated the writing of the ancient greeks

Did the ancient Greeks create poetry?

Yes, ancient Greeks did.

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How long did it take before people began testing the Greeks' ideas with practical scienctific enquiry?

Practical scientific enquiry testing Greek ideas began in the Renaissance period, around the 16th century. During this time, figures like Galileo and Leonardo da Vinci conducted experiments that challenged and further developed the theories proposed by the ancient Greeks.

Were ancient Greeks Roman cathic?

No, the ancient Greeks were pantheistic. they worshiped many gods and goddesses.