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Sure, ancient Egyptians had Nile flooding. During flooding, farmers were working in Pyramids construction.

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Q: Did the ancient Egyptians have flooding?
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Related questions

What did the Egyptians depend on for surviveal?

Ancient Egyptians depended on the Nile flooding which irrigated their crops.

What did the Egyptians depend on for their survival?

Ancient Egyptians depended on the Nile flooding which irrigated their crops.

How did the ancient Egyptians adjust to flooding?

Ancient Egyptians needed the floods to irrigate crops. Egyptians would measure the water with a nilometer so people upstream would be aware of how much water was coming.

How did Egyptians solve flooding problems?

Ancient egyptians welcomed them, they brought valuable sediment down from the mountains that kept the farmland fertile.In modern times the Aswan dam was built to control flooding.

How was flooding useful for ancient Egyptians?

it was good for crops near the nile river since water was scarce

Why did the ancient Egyptians bless inundation?

Because the flooding brought fertile soil and extra water for the crops.

What annual event helped ancient Egyptians develop the first 365-day calendar?

The flooding of the nile

Are there flooding in the river nile?

Yes. The Nile River, like most rivers can flood. The ancient Egyptians lived close to the river and used its periodic flooding to help their crops.

How did the flooding of the Nile benefit the Egyptians?

Flooding provided nutrients to the desert soil allowing the Egyptians to grow crops.

What health theats did ancient egyptians face?

The ancient Egyptians were fairly healthy considering the conditions they endured. Malaria was common, plus snake and croc bites. Also the dysentery and other diseases that the muck from the annual Nile flooding encouraged.

In Ancient Egypt the Nile River flooded each year in June. How did the annual flooding of the Nile affect the Ancient Egyptians?

The flood waters left slit on the farmland, which provided nutrients for the soil

What made ancient egyptians thrive flourish and survive?

The various Oasis's and the regular flooding of the Nile, which made the land around it very fertile.