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yes - they had to work in all conditions

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Q: Did the africans have to work when it rained during the apartheid?
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How did apartheid affect the lives of black people in South Africa?

Apartheid caused many black South Africans to lose their jobs and livelihoods when they were forced to move to "black homelands". Black South Africans lost their South African citizenship and became citizens of their homeland. This allowed white South Africa to use them as cheap labor because, as non-citizens working in South Africa, the whites did not have to pay them a minimum wage or give them any legal rights.The land set aside for the black Africans was not the best land and became even worse due to years of erosion and mismanagement, thus causing widespread poverty in the black homelands. The black South Africans were not trained for taking care of the land and did not have the money needed to manage it properly. Forests were cut down to provide heat for homes and a way to cook meals.Many youths had to work and were not educated.Due to the overcrowding in the black homelands, there were problems with foot traffic and waste.And there was political violence due to the many factions fighting for control of the black homelands and fighting to end apartheid.

Why were Africans brought to the Americas?

to work as slaves in farms

What did europeans have enslaved africans do?

For merchants

How did F.W. de Klerk work for African independence?

He opposed apartheid and worked for reform.

Why were enslave Africans forced to come to Florida?

The enslaved Africans were forced here because the planters needed them to work on the plantations and make them rich.

Related questions

How can Africans work together 2 overcome apartheid challenges?

They didnt really work together but they did provide moral support for each other, by songs and stories mainly

What expanded when natives were forced to work for the europeans and Africans started to be shipped over to the new world during the middle ages?

Slavery expanded when Natives were forced to work for Europeans and Africans were shipped to the New World. This did not happen during the Middle Ages, however; it happened during the Renaissance.

Which is not true of africans in new netherland?

Africans were not allowed to work

What does apatheid mean?

Apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination that existed in South Africa from 1948 to 1994. It enforced policies that marginalized and oppressed non-white citizens, particularly Black South Africans, and denied them basic rights and freedoms. Apartheid was eventually abolished through the efforts of anti-apartheid activists and the dismantling of discriminatory laws.

What work do Africans do?


What have many africans been sold into?

Many Africans have been historically sold into slavery, particularly during the transatlantic slave trade. This involved capturing and forcibly transporting Africans to the Americas to work on plantations and in other labor-intensive industries.

What region of of the Americas imported the most Africans?

The Caribbean region, specifically islands like Haiti, Jamaica, and Cuba, imported the most Africans during the transatlantic slave trade. Millions of Africans were forcibly brought to the Caribbean to work on plantations producing sugar, tobacco, and other cash crops.

What are the themes of Keith harings art work?

war, aids, apartheid.

Why was desmond tutu important?

Desmond Tutu worked for civil rights but the most important work that Desmond Tutu did was that he was against apartheid. Apartheid is a segregation in South Africa against African Americans and Americans.

What kind of work did Europeans use enslaved African?

The kind of works that the Africans do for Europeans are farming crops. The Europeans donâ??t usually trust the Africans for them to be the middle man that is why they are usually placed on farms.

During the middle ages what expanded when natives were forced to work for the europeans and Africans started to be shipped over to the new world?

The trianglar trade rout.

What did the Africans do for the Caribbean?

the Africans were there as slaves and were forced to do work such as cutting sugar canes planting tabaco plants