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After The Unites States negotiated with Russia about removing the missiles in Cuba The United States removed the missile from Turkey.

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Q: Did the US remove their missiles from turkey during the crisis?
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Us demands that Soviets withdraw missiles from cuba how was the Cuban missile crisis revolved?

The Cuban missile crisis was resolved by the USSR agreeing to remove its missiles from Cuba and the United States agreeing to remove its missiles from Turkey.

Did President Kennedy remove nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve a crisis?

The placement of U.S. nuclear missiles in Turkey is thought to have provoked the Cuban Missile Crisis. Missiles in Turkey were close enough to strike Moscow, so Russia placed armaments in Cuba, which was within striking distance of U.S. soil. The Missile Crisis, began on October 14th 1962. Robert Kennedy said, during negotiations with the Russians that the missiles would be removed within a short time after the crisis ended. The Missile Crisis ended on October 28th of 62 and the missiles were quietly taken out of turkey some time after April 24th 1963.

Why was the Soviet Union to blame during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Because the soviets were the ones to put the missiles in Cuba. Which made the U.S. put missiles in Turkey ending this crisis.

President Kennedy announced to the world the US would remove missiles from Turkey as part of resolution over the Cuban missile crisis?

Yes, and Khruschev announced he would remove the Soviet missiles from Cuba.

What about the Cuban missile crisis?

President Kennedy removed nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve the crisis

What about the Cuban missile crisis is?

President Kennedy removed nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve the crisis

When the Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved Russia withdrew missiles from Cuba and the US with drew missiles from?


What about the Cuban missile crisis is true?

President Kennedy removed nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve the crisis

When the Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved The Soviet Union withdrew missiles from Cuba and the US withdrew missiles for where?

The US withdrew missiles from Turkey.

When the Cuban missile crisis was resolved the soviet union withdrew missiles from Cuba and the US withdrew missiles from?

The US withdrew missiles from Turkey.

What did President Kennedy secretly offer Nikita Khrushchev that helped end the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Kennedy offered to remove the American missiles from Turkey.

What happened on the last day of Cuban missiles crisis?

Nikita Khushchev agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba and ordered the Russian ships home. The USA promised not to put missiles in Turkey near the Soviet border and promised not to attack Cuba.