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Q: Did the Treaty of Versailles contribute to the economic collaspe of Germany after World War 1?
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What did the treaty of Versailles do to cause economic problems in Germany?

Do to the fines Germany had to pay, they sank into a depression.

What was put into the Treaty of Versailles?

The Treaty of Versailles was what ended World War I. The document placed all of the blame on Germany, even though Austria-Hungary started the war. The Treaty took most of Germany's army, took a good chunk of Germany's land, and actually triggered a significant economic depression in Germany. The Treaty of Versailles was what ultimately lead to World War II.

How did World War 1 contribute to the rise of fascism in Germany?

The Treaty of Versailles. Research it :--)

The Treaty of Versailles contributed to the economic collapse of Germany by?

It made Germany pay a lot of money to the victorious countries, It was to the point that the German economy could not sustain itself.

What are two things the treaty of Versailles forced Germany?

what were the things Germany had to do as stated in the treaty of Versailles

How did financial crisis contribute of the Great Depression?

Postwar reparations led to hyperinflation and economic collapse in Germany.

Under the Treaty of Versailles was charged with the sole responsibility for World War 1?

The Treaty of Versailles in 1919 assigned the blame, as well as massive war reparation debts, to Germany. The resultant economic problems led to the failure of the Weimar Republic, setting the stage for German nationalism and World War II.

What country was forbidden to unite with Germany by the treaty of Versailles?

Germany was forbidden to unite with Austria in the treaty of Versailles.

What was the German Economic Devastation?

Germany owed high war debt due to World War One & The Treaty of Versailles. This means that after World War One Germany had to pay for all the damages the war had caused. Witch was not possible for Germany to do.

Why did the US initially follow a policy of appeasement toward Germany?

The United States initially had to follow a policy of appeasement towards Germany. This policy was directly related to the treaty of Versailles.

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What were economic conditions like in Germany after WW1?

Bad. In the Treaty of Versailles (the one that ended the war) Germany was put with the most reparation payments. Their economy crumbled. Their money became inflated and most people went bankrupt.