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The Founding Fathers were well read in the political and social theories of European philosophers. They agreed in the concept of the Social Contract Theory. People accept certain restrictions placed upon their social and civic rights in return for a government that will benefit all of society. In Europe, these restrictions were usually enforced by a King or some other type of monarchy. The Americans decided that their government should be more responsible to the people. The government would enforce restrictions but only for the benefit of all the citizens. A good example is the Bill of Rights that was added to the Constitution. The people are willing to have certain rights restricted as long as there is protection for their basic civil and human rights. If the government (Great Britain) fails to protect the rights under the Social Contract, then the people (American colonists) have the right to create a new government to take the place of the monarchy. The result was the creation of a federal system of government, outlined by the Constitution.

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Q: Did the Social Contract Theory help shape the American governmental system?
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