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According to Roman and Greek sources, Phoenicians and Carthaginians sacrificed infants to their gods.

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Q: Did the Phoenicians practiced human sacrifice to appease their gods?
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Who practiced human sacrifice to appease their war god?

The Aztecs practiced human sacrifice to keep their war god Huitzilopochtli strong.

Who practiced sacrifice to appease their war gods?

The Aztecs practiced human sacrifice to keep their war god Huitzilopochtli strong.

Did the Aztecs use sacrafice?

Yes, the Aztecs practiced human sacrifice for religious and ceremonial purposes. Sacrifices were believed to appease the gods and ensure the continuity of the world. They also believed that blood was a powerful offering.

Which practiced human sacrifice to their gods?


What religon did the Aztec have?

The Aztecs practiced a polytheistic religion which focused on numerous gods and goddesses associated with different aspects of nature and daily life. They believed in human sacrifice to appease their gods and ensure the continued prosperity of their civilization.

Why did the Maya and Aztec practice human sacrifice?

The Maya and Aztec practiced human sacrifice as a part of their religious beliefs and to appease their gods. They believed that sacrificing humans would ensure the well-being of their communities, bring fertility to the land, and show devotion to their deities. It was seen as a way to maintain order in the cosmos and uphold the balance of the universe.

Did he Aztecs eat humans?

No the Aztecs were not cannibals. They practiced human sacrifice.

Did the Aztecs practice human sacrifice?

In an effort to postpone the day of have the sun come up the next day.( they thought otheriwse it would not rise)

Why did they practice human sacrifice?

Human sacrifice is the ritualized killing of a human being. It is most commonly practiced for religious purposes. At one time it was very common but in these modern times it is very rare.

Why did the Aztec practice human sacrifice?

The Aztec practiced human sacrifice as a way to appease their gods and ensure the continuity of the universe. They believed that offering human blood to their deities was necessary to ensure the sun would rise each day and bring about a bountiful harvest. Sacrifices were also seen as a way to honor and show gratitude to the gods for their blessings.

What role did human sacrifice play in early American societies?

Human sacrifice was practiced in some early American societies as part of religious rituals to appease gods, ensure fertility of the land, or as a form of punishment. It was believed to maintain order and balance in the cosmic and social worlds. However, it was not a universal practice and varied among different cultures in the Americas.

An example sentence using the word cannibalism?

The Aztecs apparently practiced cannibalism as part of the ritual of human sacrifice.