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Yes. New York City has a great harbor, which is one of the main reasons it has become such a major city.

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Q: Did the New York colony have an excellent harbor?
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What colony had excellent harbor?

The colony of Boston had an excellent harbor that was crucial to trade in the New World. The Boston Harbor was also the site of the Boston Tea Party.

Why did the English establish the colony of New York?

The first European colony in New York was founded by the Dutch. The called New York, New Amsterdam. The colony had a good deal of wealth prospects,and the harbor was excellent. The British decided that they could replace the Dutch and they did. At the time in the 17th century, Great Britain was a world power nation. The Dutch settled a deal that forced to leave NY but the British gave them a small colony in the West Indies to soften the blow.

Why to move to New York colony?

One reason people moved to the colony of New York is the religious diversity. Others moved for work because New York was the main harbor for the area and the soil was rich for farming.

Why did people move to new york colony?

One reason people moved to the colony of New York is the religious diversity. Others moved for work because New York was the main harbor for the area and the soil was rich for farming.

What is the name of New York City's harbor?

The New york Harbor entrance is also known as the "narrows"

Why did the British want the colony of New York for its settlers in New England?

The major attraction to New York was the natural harbor and the access to the Hudson River. Plus, the farm land was good in the area, so the combination of the two made NY a good place to have a colony.

Was New York governed?

The New York Colony was governed as a Royal Colony. The Colony of New York existed from 1609 to 1692.

Who were the kings of the New York Colony?

New York Colony had no kings.

When was New York Harbor School created?

New York Harbor School was created in 2003.

Where there any problems between the New Hampshire colony and the New York colony?

No, there was no problem between the Colony of New Hampshire and the colony of New York.

Which colony was New York originally part of?

New York was originally part of the New Netherlands colony.

In what colonial region is New York located in?

It is (was) located in Albany, New York.In 1664, James, the Duke of York, received control of New Netherland. The name of the colony was changed to New York