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No he did not protect a city. The supreme god of storms and rain was associated with agriculture and fertility.

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Q: Did the Mayan rain god chac protect a city?
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What is some information about the Mayan religion?

They had a Feathered Serpent god, Kukulcan, and rain gods called Chac. They sacrificed humans. Nowadays they sacrifice chickens. Many now are Christian.

What is the location of the Mayan?

the mayan location is central america

What is the name of the native American god of rain?

There was no one "god of rain" and most native American societies did not have such a god.A few names of rain gods in different cultures throughout the Americas are:Maya....................chac and mamAztec....................tlalocHopi......................kachina spiritsNavajo..................tó neiniliiInca......................konOlmec....................jaguarKeres....................shiwana (4 gods)

What were all the Mayan gods?

The Mayan believed all things to be linked with the divine. The Mayan creator God was known as Hunab Ku. death and Destruction were represented by the Old Woman Goddess and Xbalanque (also representing Venus and the Jaguar), and Hunapu, the Hero Twins were associated with the stars, the Sun and life. It was believed that the Hero Twins entered Xibala, the Underworld, outsmarted the death Gods and were reborn as the Sun and Venus. The more important Maya Deities were Kinich Ahau, a Sun God, Ah Chicum Ek, a North Star God, Chac, a rain God, Itzamna, the reptile God, and Yum Cimil, a death God to name a few. All in all, the Mayan Pantheon consisted of thirteen Upper World Gods and nine Underworld Gods.

What was the Mayan habitat?

the Mayans lived in the rain forests with the jaguar, the giant tapir, and miniature silky anteater.

Related questions

Who was the Mayan god for water?

Yes! His name was Chac another name is Ah Hoya (he who urinates) He was the god of rain, lightning, and water

What is some information about the Mayan religion?

They had a Feathered Serpent god, Kukulcan, and rain gods called Chac. They sacrificed humans. Nowadays they sacrifice chickens. Many now are Christian.

Who were The Mayan Gods?

They had over 166 gods. Here are a four: Yum Kax- god of corn Chac- god of rain Kinich Abau- god of sun and night Hunab Ku- chief god Chok Chel- goddess of women Itzamna- God D

What is the location of the Mayan?

the mayan location is central america

What was the temperature in the ancient Mayan rain?


What might you find in a Mayan rain forest?

In a Mayan rainforest, you may find a diverse array of flora and fauna, including tropical plants like orchids, epiphytes, and cacao trees. Animals such as jaguars, howler monkeys, toucans, and colorful butterflies are also commonly found in these lush and biodiverse ecosystems. Additionally, you may come across ancient Mayan ruins and archaeological sites hidden within the dense vegetation.

What is the name of the native American god of rain?

There was no one "god of rain" and most native American societies did not have such a god.A few names of rain gods in different cultures throughout the Americas are:Maya....................chac and mamAztec....................tlalocHopi......................kachina spiritsNavajo..................tó neiniliiInca......................konOlmec....................jaguarKeres....................shiwana (4 gods)

What can you put on metal to protect it?

a coat to protect it from rain

What ancient people lived deep in the rain forests of central America?

The Mayan civilization

Why should you not protect the tropical rainforest?

You should not protect tropical rain forests because why do we need rain forests.

What is the dangers for the Mayan vanishing rain forest?

dont know dont care see ya

What were all the Mayan gods?

The Mayan believed all things to be linked with the divine. The Mayan creator God was known as Hunab Ku. death and Destruction were represented by the Old Woman Goddess and Xbalanque (also representing Venus and the Jaguar), and Hunapu, the Hero Twins were associated with the stars, the Sun and life. It was believed that the Hero Twins entered Xibala, the Underworld, outsmarted the death Gods and were reborn as the Sun and Venus. The more important Maya Deities were Kinich Ahau, a Sun God, Ah Chicum Ek, a North Star God, Chac, a rain God, Itzamna, the reptile God, and Yum Cimil, a death God to name a few. All in all, the Mayan Pantheon consisted of thirteen Upper World Gods and nine Underworld Gods.