The Great Fire of London occurred Which in all probability help to wipe out the remaining infestations of the plague.
Samuel Pepys
the black death (the great plague) started in holland 1645 and then transported to London in 1665 . A bit like swine flu.
fire of london
After the great fire of London, many rats were killed, this helped stop the spreading. Also, so many people were dying, the germ kind of ran out of places to go.
The great fire of london
The Bubonic Plague that afflicted London from 1665 was ended by the Great Fire of London in 1666.
The great fire of London happened after the plague in 1666.
Bubonic Plague
The Great Fire of London occurred Which in all probability help to wipe out the remaining infestations of the plague.
the great fire of london
The great fire of London happened after the plague in 1666
It killed the rats and fleas that carried the plague and gave it to people.
The Bubonic Plague of 1665 - largely purged by the Fire of London in 1666.
The disater in London before the great fire of london, was a out break of the plague, which is also commonly known as the black death. The plague spread through London, killing many people in the year 1665.
some say the fire of London was a blessing because it killed out all the plague
Samuel Pepys