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No it did not influence other revolutions although some wars did start.

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Q: Did the Glorious Revolution influence another revolution?
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What was the bloodless event where one monarch replaced another?

The Glorious Revolution of 1688

Did the American Revolution influence another revolution?

Of course. However, some scholars suggest that the French Revolution would have happened regardless, but most revolutions against monarchies during the 18th and 19th century have some roots in the American Revolution.

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This is known as orbital motion or revolution, where one object moves around another in a regular path due to gravitational attraction. Examples include planets orbiting the sun and moons orbiting planets in our solar system. The motion is governed by the balance between the object's inertia and the gravitational pull from the larger object it is orbiting.

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Why was the Glorious Revolution in England unusual in comparison to political developments in France Spain and Russia?

Unlike most revolutions, one monarch willingly ceded power to another monarch

What is the definition of revolution?

revolution is an object moving in a pattern around another object.

Did the latin American Revolution influence another revolution?

No. The French Revolution was the result of a peasant uprising against the French Monarchy in 1789. Latin American colonies revolted against Spain when it was being invaded by France in 1807-1814. However, all these new nations took the republic as form of government, which was based on the configuration setup by the United States.

What was Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution?

The "Bolshevik Revolution" was more particularly known as the "October Revolution" in 1917. It is called this, because there had been two revolutions in Russia in 1917, one in February (called the February Revolution) and one in October (called the October Revolution) in order to distinguish one from the other. The Bolshevik Revolution is the one which overthrew the Provisional Government of Russia and put Lenin and the Bolshevik Party (later renamed Communist Party) in power. The February Revolution is the one which forced Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate the throne.