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gypsies, homosexuals, the insane, crippled. anti-nazi's, and the list goes on..........

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Q: Did the Germans persecute any other groups from the Jews in World War 2?
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Are all Germans related to other Germans?

All Germans are related to all other Germans, although not necessarily closely related. This is how ethnic groups work, they are groups of people who share some common descent. If we trace our ancestry back far enough we will discover that all human beings are related to all other human beings.

What groups were the Germans trying to get rid of in World War 2?

The Jews as primary target, but also Romanies (Gypsies), mentally disabled, homosexuals, communists and other racially or ideologically "inferior"

What were the belief of Adolf Hitler?

== == That Germans were inherently superior to all other national and racial groups of people, in exactly the same way that humans are superior to animals. Thus Germans had a right to take other people's land and put them to work in any way that suited Germans or simply kill them if they wanted to.

What are two groups from other countries that can be traced to bringing the game of bowling to the New World?

The Dutch, the Germans, and the English each brought their own type of ninepin bowling to the US. Tenpin bowling is derived from ninepin bowling.

What other groups of people did the Nazi's persecute besides besides the Jews?

-Jehovah's Witnesses-Gays and lesbians-People with disabilities-GypsiesHomosexuals, gypsies, mentally and physically disabled, tramps and beggars, and political opponents.

Why were the Germans hurt after world war 1?

They were forced into signing the Treaty of Locarno, which stated that Germans pay the costs from the war among other things.

Did the germans think of the Japanese as inferior?

During WWII, some Germans held racist views towards the Japanese, as well as towards other non-European groups. However, it is important to note that attitudes were not uniform and there were also positive relations between Germans and Japanese individuals.

Were there Germans fought against fellow Germans in World War 2?

In a way, yes. German immigrants and decendants of German immigrants in other countries fought against the Nazis in World War II.

Who did what in World War 2?

The Germans, Italians, and Japanese tried expanding, by conquering other countries. The rest of world stopped them.

What did germany do to make the other countries join world war 2?

The Germans invaded several countries.

What are the main ethnic groups in austria?

According to the CIA's World Factbook, the breakdown of ethnic groups in Austria are as follows: Austrians 91.1%, former Yugoslavs 4% (includes Croatians, Slovenes, Serbs, and Bosniaks), Turks 1.6%, German 0.9%, other or unspecified 2.4%. This data, however, is from the 2001 census.

What were most immigrants to colonial America after 1713?

Immigrants to America from 1713 until after the American Revolution we Germans, though Scotch-Irish and other groups immigrated, too.