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In the American Revolutionary War, the Continental Army won the war, even though they lost several battles.

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Q: Did the Continental Army win or did the british army win?
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What are the continental army's advantages?

At the time the British were the largest and most powerful army. The continental army was small. However the war was fought on foreign land for the British so it was harder for them and also determination help the US win.

How the small Continental Army was able to defeat the much larger British Army and win independence for the colonies?

The French saved the colonies from British rule.

What is one factor that enabled the continental army to defeat the british army in the revolution?

The Continental Army were fighting for a big cause, their freedom and independence, which motivated them to fight hard and smart to win the war. Hope that helps.

Who was the commander of the continental army that defeated the British and helped win the American Revolution?

george washington.

Did the Continental Army win or the confederate army win in the American revolution?

It was the Continental army that won the American revolutionary war. The Confederate army did not appear until the Civil War, many years later.

What describes the Continental Army?

It would be an army that fights on its native continent. The proper noun "Continental Army" was the army of colonists, mostly militia, that fought the British in the Revolutionary War (1775-1783).

How did George Washington win the battle of Yorktown?

The French helped the Continental army surrond Yorktown and trap the British.

What was the Continental Army's war strategies?

the continental Army war strageies were to use gurilla tactics.Akso George wanted to keep his Army together intil the British Army got mad and discouraged. He didn't want to to lose all his soldiers he wanted to stay together and try to win the war!

Did George Washington win the Continental Army?


When did the continental army win the battle of cowpens?


The first success of the continental army occurred at?

The first success of the continental army occurred at Trenton. This was a desperate win during the battle of Saratoga which ended up being a major victory for the army.

Why did the Continental Army win the Battle of Treton?

They attacked on Christmas Day in 1775 I believe. They surprised the British forces and the Redcoats ran away . There were 200 POW . The Redcoat eventually gave up . This move by the Continental Army was never done before in history .