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Military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz's set of conditions to fight a successful guerrilla war depended on the following:* The must be fought in the interior of the country;

* It cannot be expected that a single attack or a single set of attacks will finalize the war;

* The theater of such a war must be large;

* The national character of a war must fit into such a war; and

* The terrain must be rough, have dense forests, waterways, swamps and scattered populations.

The Southern character did not fit a guerrilla war. The South had all of the physical terrain and size requirements. Also, the South's slave population would become free. This would totally change the Southern structure of society.

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Q: Did the Confederacy fit into the recipe for guerrilla war of Carl Von Clausewitz?
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How did Carl Von Clausewitz die?

Clausewitz contracted cholera in 1831 and died in Breislau on November 16th of the same year. Von Clausewitz 1780-1832.

What caused Lenin to study the works of military theorist Carl von Clausewitz?

Lenin turned to the works of military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz in 1915. Lenin was not that interested in military strategy or tactics. What many people overlook is that Clausewitz paid attention to war time politics and the role of warfare in relation to the masses. In some of Lenin's writings he copied verbatim some of Clausewitz's observations on how the politics of a nation interacted with wars.

How did military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz define the total defeat of an enemy?

In its most basic form, Carl Von Clausewitz defined the total defeat of an enemy as military operations that were not necessarily political, although the defeat of the enemy would have political effects. But before the political ramifications were realized, Clausewitz defined total victory as the destruction of the enemy's armies and the conquest of its territory.

What were the broad ideas by military theorist Carl von Clausewitz concerning the elements that drive most wars?

In his book called On War, Carl von Clausewitz presents his theory that there are three forces that drive a war. The form a trinity he calls chance, passion, and rationality. This should not be confused with his ideas on war itself. Here in his trinity he speaks in very broad terms.

What was the criteria set forth by military theorist Clausewitz on the proper conditions for a guerrilla war?

During the US Civil War, Confederate raiders with the aid of Southern sympathizers waged guerrilla warfare in Missouri and Kentucky. They sought to raid Union arms depots and cut communication lines. When the tide of the war turned against them, some Southerners entertained fighting a guerrilla war in the South.Military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz wrote about guerrilla warfare and indentified five criteria for it to be successful. They were:1. The war must be fought in the interior of the country;2. It had to be recognized by the guerrilla fighters that small battles over a number of years was required;3. The theater of operations had to be fairly large;4. The national character had to be suited for this type of warfare; and5. The country had to have plenty of rough terrain, inacessible due to mountains, forests, swamps and marshes.How well this would have worked for the South is questionable.

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When did Carl von Clausewitz die?

Carl von Clausewitz was born on 1780-06-01.

When was the classic warfare text titled On War published by Carl Von Clausewitz?

On War by Carl Von Clausewitz was available in Europe in 1832, its publication date.

How did Carl Von Clausewitz die?

Clausewitz contracted cholera in 1831 and died in Breislau on November 16th of the same year. Von Clausewitz 1780-1832.

Who said War is an extension of foreign policy?

Carl Von Clausewitz

What were the driving elements of war according to Carl Von Clausewitz?

Military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz believed that the driving elements in any war were chance, passion and rationality. These were respectively governed by the military, the people and the government.

How do you cite Clausewitz?

To cite Carl von Clausewitz in APA style, include the author's last name and the year of publication in parentheses. For example: (Clausewitz, 1832). In MLA style, include the author's last name and the page number in parentheses. For example: (Clausewitz 75).

Who said war is the continuation of state policy by other means?

Carl von Clausewitz

What is an often overlooked aspect of Carl von Clausewitz's works on warfare?

Many readers of the works of military theorist Carl von Clausewitz are often surprised at his use of metaphysics and actual religious concepts. As just one example of this, Clausewitz refers to the Trinity, the Christian trinity, when speaking about war and the people of a nation involved in one.

What is the relevance of Clausewitz for contemporary military professionals?

The relevance of Carl Von Clausewitz's "Principles of War" for contemporary military professionals is that it deals with the mind of man at war and not the weapons of war.

When did Vladimir Lenin begin to read the publications of military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz?

Vladimir Lenin decided to read the works of Carl Von Clausewitz in 1915. Lenin was in exile at the time and World War One was raging. Lenin believed he needed a better education on wars and the publication called "On War" by Clausewitz was an excellent source on such matters.

What caused Lenin to study the works of military theorist Carl von Clausewitz?

Lenin turned to the works of military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz in 1915. Lenin was not that interested in military strategy or tactics. What many people overlook is that Clausewitz paid attention to war time politics and the role of warfare in relation to the masses. In some of Lenin's writings he copied verbatim some of Clausewitz's observations on how the politics of a nation interacted with wars.

What was the only glaring error in the Confederacy's reliance on the tactics of defense postulated by military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz?

After two and one half years of warfare, the Confederacy adhered to the concepts postulated by military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz. That being to be able to lose a battle but being able to retreat without having their armies destroyed or totally captured. The glaring exception was Confederate General Pemberton's defeat and surrender of his army that defended Vicksburg. Luckily for the South, Union General US Grant did not require a unconditional surrender and he paroled many of the officers and soldiers captured after his successful siege of Vicksburg.