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The British took away our laws so when we made the constitution, we made sure we had laws that stopped that sort of thing from happening again.

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Q: Did the Boston Tea Party effect the first amendments freedom of assemble and freedom of speech?
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How many amendments to the constitution exist?

There are 27 amendments to the U.S. Constitution

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The most important effect of constitutional amendments is to change or update the fundamental principles and structures of a country's government. These amendments help ensure that the constitution remains relevant and responsive to the changing needs of society over time.

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There are 27 Amendments. It should be noted that only 26 of them are in effect since the 18th Amendment (Prohibition) was repealed.

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The Bill of Rights that went into effect in 1791 had ten amendments. Since this time there has been 17 new amendments added to the Bill of Rights. Today this document contains 27 amendments.

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