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Yes, although they were emperors not kings.

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Q: Did the Aztecs have a king?
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How did the Aztecs make desicions?

Aztecs had the King decide. such as law and warfare. ALL KING'S DECISION.

Did the Aztecs have a king named pachuti?

The was the Incas not the Aztecs they had an Emperor

King of the Aztecs was who?

It was Matazucoo

What did the Aztecs call their king?


Who was the last king of the Aztecs?


What are facts about the culture of the Aztecs?

he was a warior king

Who was the king of the Aztecs empire when the conquistadors arrived in Mexico?

the king was Montezuma II

Did the Aztecs have a king of the God's like the Greeks?

yes they did. Aztecs even had a sun god and a war god.

Who was the last king from the Aztecs?

Montezuma II (the second)

Who did the Aztecs learn to be warriors from?

i think it was my balls because they survived in were the dinosaurs were alive and then my balls were part of the Aztecs and also the king. =)

Did Hernando Cortes become king?

hernano cortes did become king when he set all of mexico's slaves free from the aztecs. he was king in mexico.

What explorers defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico?

Hernando Cortez was the Spanish conquistador that defeat the Aztecs. They used trickery and subterfuge to take the power away from the king of the Aztecs.