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no they wanted a strong nationalgovernment. They thought individual states would not be able to protect themselves from foreign nations. A strong national government would provide protection, maintain order, regulate trade, and guarantee rights of citizens they declared. The anti-federalists were not supporters of the constitution and they wanted a Bill of Rights which the Federalists said they did not need.

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Q: Did the Anti federalist believe that the Constitution did not grant the central government enough power?
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What was the opposition of the US Constitution?

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The proposed Constitution created a central government with too much power

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anti federalist believed it was a threat because it infringed on there freedoms. this is the reason the federalist papers were written and the Bill of Rights was created, to ensure people that their freedoms would be upheld by the constitution. and not taken away by the constitution

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The need for a stronger central government.

What the main reason that Federalist supported ratification of the constitution?

The need for a stronger central government.

Those for whom the constitution represented a too-power central government?

Anti Federalist

What was the main reason that federalist supported the ratification of the constitution?

The need for a stronger central government.

What is a example of Anti-Federalist position?

The Constitution places too much power in the central government.

The author of the federalist papers wrote them for the purpose of?

writing to try to get the Constitution ratified as it was written, with a strong central government.

What did the anti federalist ask for?

They wanted a weak Central Government, and stronger state governments. They opposed the ratification of the Constitution.