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YES! Many people disagreed with slavery. One group is the slaves themselves. Another is a group of people that formed the underground railroad which I highly suggest you look into if you are interested in this subject.

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Q: Did some people disagree with slavery?
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Related questions

Why does slavery still exist?

Because some people do not disagree to slavery and some people don't. S o every one has their own opinion.

Why do people disagree with slavery?

because its bad

Did people disagree with Abraham Lincoln's plans for slavery?

The Civil War was fought primarily because of disagreements about slavery.

Why did Lincoln disagree with John Crittendens plan to keep the Union together?

Because it would have allowed some extension of slavery.

Why were people who disagree with slavery were abolitionists?

People who disagreed with slavery were called abolitionists because they believed that slavery was morally wrong and should be abolished. They worked to end the institution of slavery through political activism, protests, and spreading anti-slavery ideas in order to bring an end to the practice.

What did white people of both regions agree and disagree about race and slavery?

that everyone was free and PEACE all around ;D

How did Lincoln and Douglas disagree about slavery?

They debated.

Why did Lincoln disagree with john j plan to keep the union together?

Because it would have allowed some extension of slavery.

Do you agree or disagree on the concept of slavery?

I disagree with the concept of slavery. Slavery is a violation of human rights and dignity, and it is morally wrong to treat individuals as property. All individuals should be free, equal, and have the right to autonomy and self-determination.

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What did Catherine Beecher and Angelina Grime disagree about?

The end of slavery

Why did Lincoln disagree with john j. Crittendens plan to keep the union together?

Because it would have allowed some extension of slavery.