At all times. The War Powers (USA, France, Great Britain, and the USSR) maintained guard posts at all their points of entry and departure. The city of Berlin was technically an occupied city from the end of WWII until the dissolution of the USSR and the reunification of Germany.
The Soviet Zone, or East Berlin, was the capital of the German Democratic Republic. The wall was built in 1961 in order to prevent GDR citizens fleeing to the US, British, or French zones. The Wall was continually improved to include razor wire, machine gun nests, watch towers, land mines, attack dogs, and trip-wire explosives.
Numbers are unclear, but at least 125 people were killed in their attempts to escape to the West.
Soldiers on the east side of the Berlin Wall were forced to guard the wall relentlessly. It was guarded by thousands of soldiers at a time in order to prevent an civilian from defecting to West Berlin.
dividing north and south Korea is the 38th paralel. There is no wall. Just a dimilitarized zone guarded by soldiers. Korean soldiers or roc soldiers as they are known, have the east corridor of the paralel to guard and the American soldiers have the western corridor to guard and patrol.
There were 2 guard towers and 301 towers
In Sparta, none The city had no walls, and called its soldiers their walls.
The fall of the Berlin Wall
Berlin was the city divided by the Berlin Wall.
dividing north and south Korea is the 38th paralel. There is no wall. Just a dimilitarized zone guarded by soldiers. Korean soldiers or roc soldiers as they are known, have the east corridor of the paralel to guard and the American soldiers have the western corridor to guard and patrol.
lots and lots
There were 2 guard towers and 301 towers
The Berlin Wall was patrolled by soldiers on the East German side and they had orders to fire on people trying to climb over the wall to West Berlin.
In Sparta, none The city had no walls, and called its soldiers their walls.
Concrete, barbed wire, mines, Guards, guard dogs, and a fence.
Soviet soldiers constantly stood gaurding the Berlin wall from any intruders holding guns ready to fire. They were ready to shoot anyone that tried escaping their Communist Government. Watchtowers were built so they could view more people preparing them from impending dangers. Soldeirs were always watching it.
because the wall was in the city Berlin
The fall of the Berlin Wall
The wall was guarded by soldiers and guards, but the wall was a guard, too. Even though, because Mongolians might have a surprise attack, so guards and soldiers kept good watch
Berlin was the city divided by the Berlin Wall.
The Berlin Wall