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Q: Did sitting bull's parents name him Hunkesi?
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What was sitting bulls brothers name?

golden eagle

What was Sitting Bulls wife name?

Sitting Duck, since she was so easily killed after the battle

What are facts about chief sitting bull?

1. When Sitting Bull was born, his parents named him "Jumping Badger". 2. His nick name was "Hunkesi", meaning "slow" because he never hurried and did everything with care. 3. He mastered the sacred Lakota mysteries. He became as shaman and medicine man, and rose to eminence as a Holy Man. 4. Sitting Bull had at least 3 wives, possibly as many as 5 over the years.

What is Sitting Bulls mothers name?

Her name was Holy Door.Holy Door was a brave and beautiful women she watched over Sitting Bull. And Sitting Bull got his name from his father!

Why was Sitting Bulls mother named Her-Holy-Door?

Sitting Bull's mother has that name because back in the days people used to name their child how they are and how they will be.

What is Sitting Bull children name and also his parents name?

He had no children and his parents name were Parker and Emily

Did Chicago Bulls change their name?

No they didn't change their name. They are still called the Chicago Bulls.

What is sitting bulls real name?

Sitting bull's real name is Tȟatȟaŋka Iyotȟaŋka, translated as "Sitting Bull" . He was born "Slon-He" meaning "slow", in Lakota tradition he was later given one of his father's names, because of his bravery and leadership skills in battle.Parents:Jumping bull - FatherHer-Holy-Door - MotherHe was given many names over his life time, so was his father. It was tradition to change names, and give part of the father's name for traits in the child.

What is the full name of the South African rugby team the bulls?

The South African rugby team known as the bulls was founded in 1938. The full name of this team is the Vodacom Blue Bulls.

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How did the New York Red Bulls get their name?

The New York Red Bulls got their name by being acquired by the Red Bull GmbH in 2006. You can learn more about the New York Red Bulls at the Wikipedia.

What was the previous name of the chasing bull?

The running of the bulls takes place each year in Pamplona, where people run from bulls that have been released. There is no previous name for this event, it has always been called the running of the bulls.