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Q: Did shays rebellion have the salutary effect of refreshing the tree of liberty?
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What was an effect of the successful rebellion Haiti?

An effect of the successful rebellion in Haiti was that Napoleon decided to sell the Louisiana Territory.

What was the effect of the successful rebellion in Haiti?

An effect of the successful rebellion in Haiti was that Napoleon decided to sell the Louisiana Territory.

What was an effect of the successful rebellion in Haiti?

An effect of the successful rebellion in Haiti was that Napoleon decided to sell the Louisiana Territory.

What were the effect of the taiping rebellion?

the effect was that about 20 million people died because of the 14 year struggle that was caused by the rebellion

What was the effect of john browns rebellion?

The effect of John Brown's rebellion was his two sons were killed at Harper's Ferry. The rebellion was to seize the ammunition and arms in the federal arsenal and to arm the slaves in the area.

What effect did the whiskey rebellion have?

herpes and std.

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its purple..purple is the color of this season...beacuse it has a very refreshing and soothing effect.

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the effect is good

What caused Shays' Rebellion and what was one effect?

Could not sell their goods

What caused Shays rebellion what was one effect?

Could not sell their goods

What was the effect of turner rebellion on slaves?

It made slave codes strict

What effect did the protective tariffs have on goods exported by the south?

it depends what tariffs and when but, i if you are referring to after the revolutionary war, then the effect was the whiskey rebellion.