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Yes, Roman children did drink wine at some time, but remember that the ancients always drank their wines watered down, not "straight" as we drink wine today. A young boy's portion would be heavily watered down and perhaps flavored with a spice or burnt toast. Fruit juices were also popular children's beverages.

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Q: Did roman children drink wine
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What did the roman children drink?

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Did ancient roman kids drink?

Roman drinks were water, the calda, warm water and wine laced with spices (a winter drink)and the mulsum, a honeyed wine and watered down wine. The soldiers and slaves also drunk posca, vinegar mixed with enough water to make it drinkable.

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All About France?

The National Animal of France is The Gallic Rooster and the National food is Cheese and Croissants. They also eat frogs and make and drink there own wine. even the Children can drink the wine int he restaurants..

How come children get a sip of wine?

They are only given a sip so they will drink responsibility. They know when to say when.