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Q: Did president Johnson start bombing north Vietnam in 1965?
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Ordered bombing raids on North Vietnam?

president Johnson

How did President Johnson open the way for negoitations in Vietnam?

He stopped the bombing of North Vietnam.

How did President Lyndon Johnson respond to the Gulf of Tonkin Incident?

By bombing North Vietnamese Navy installations in North Vietnam.

What did president Johnson hope to accomplish with his heavy bombing of north Vietnam?

Bombing them into submission. Making them accept our terms. Making them want to negotiate.

What did opposition to the Vietnam War prompt President Johnson to do?

Opposition to the Vietnam war caused President Lyndon Johnson to halt aerial bombing of the North Vietnamese and engage in peace talks instead of escalating the war.

To convince North Vietnam to stop reinforcing the Vietcong President Johnson ordered Operation Rolling Thunder which .?

began a sustained bombing campaign

To convince North Vietnam to stop reinforcing the Vietcong, President Johnson ordered Operation Rolling Thunder, which _____.?

began a sustained bombing campaign

Which president ordered a continuous bombing campaign over North Vietnam and sent the first combat troops to South Vietnam?

Lyndon Johnson :) hope I helped!!!! Have a good day!

How did President Johnson try to find a solution to the Vietnam War?

Johnson was given the reason he needed to order bombing raids on North Vietnam. As president and commander-in-chief he would have been seen as a weak leader if he had not, but still some thought that it was the wrong choice. -

How did President Johnson try to stop North Vietnam from helping the guerrillas?

President Johnson implemented a bombing campaign known as Operation Rolling Thunder to try to cripple North Vietnam's military and industrial capabilities. He also attempted to stop North Vietnam from sending supplies and troops to the guerrillas in South Vietnam through a policy called interdiction, which involved targeting supply routes and infiltration routes along the Ho Chi Minh trail. Additionally, he authorized the deployment of ground combat troops to South Vietnam to counter the guerrilla forces.

When did Johnson send fighting troops to Vietnam?

The easy and often repeated belief. US troops had been in RVN (Republic of South Vietnam) before Johnson (LBJ) was president; before his former boss JFK (Kennedy) was president. US servicemen were being killed in battle in South Vietnam long before LBJ took office in Washington. The Johnson administration commenced open war (via the Tonkin Gulf Resolution) with North Vietnam in August 1964. No other US president prior to LBJ conducted open hostilities with North Vietnam. Open hostilities=Open aerial bombing/bombing campaigns (Operation Rolling Thunder, etc.).

Which actions was part of nixons strategy to end the Vietnam war?

Bombing North Vietnam