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A skull, or "death's head" as the pirates would call it, represents death. That's really all there is to it. It could be used to scare their enemies, as if to say "we will kill you." It could also symbolize the fact that pirates were not scared of death. They generally accepted that the pirate life is dangerous, as in the famous quote by Black Bart Roberts, "A short life and a merry one. This shall be my motto." Roberts crew sailed under two different flags; one that contained two skulls and one that contained a skeleton.

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No.Not all pirates used the Jolly Roger flag.There were pirates who used other flags.

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Q: Did pirates only use the skull and crossbones on their flags?
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What did the skull and bones symbol mean in Britain in the early 1600s?

Today the black flag with skull-and-crossbones has been the stereotypical image of a pirate flag. However, real pirate flags were much more diverse in appearance and varied from individual pirate to pirate. Commonly known as the "Jolly Roger", the sight of the black flag hoisted on an approaching ship often caused enough fear in the targeted ship's crew that it was often reason enough for an immediate surrender to the pirates. Contrary to modern belief, the pirate's black flag generally only began widespread use in the late 1600's and early 1700's. Previous to this, pirates as a whole flew several different type of flags, ranging from standard national flags to solid colors (generally red or black.)*

What are the flags of the countries the Romans invaded?

Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.

How many flags does Ohio have?

they only have one

How many flags has Arizona had?

Only the present flag.

What flags can be flown over the White House?

51 flags, all the states and the American flag

Related questions

What did the skull and bones symbol mean in Britain in the early 1600s?

Today the black flag with skull-and-crossbones has been the stereotypical image of a pirate flag. However, real pirate flags were much more diverse in appearance and varied from individual pirate to pirate. Commonly known as the "Jolly Roger", the sight of the black flag hoisted on an approaching ship often caused enough fear in the targeted ship's crew that it was often reason enough for an immediate surrender to the pirates. Contrary to modern belief, the pirate's black flag generally only began widespread use in the late 1600's and early 1700's. Previous to this, pirates as a whole flew several different type of flags, ranging from standard national flags to solid colors (generally red or black.)*

What is the term for the black flag with skulls and crossbones?

If you mean of pirate lore, it is known as the Jolly Rodger.While a pirate crew would fly the black flag to intimidate a potential ship it intended to attack, it was not the only flag used. A crew would first fly the skull and crossbones on a black background so the other ship would be intimidated, if the other ship didn't surrender the crew would lower the black flag and raise a red flag with a skull and cross bones or whatever symbol the ships crew used as a Jolly Rodger. The red flag showed the crew the time for surrender was over and now everyone on the ship would be killed. Pirates did not take prisoners nor did they spare those people that didn't surrender the first offer.

What is the tradition of a Jolly Roger tattoo?

Arrrrgh, Matey, so you want to know about the origins of the Jolly Roger, do ye??? Well Shiver me timbers, and batten down yer earmuffs and let's go back in time! Befroe the Jolly Roger there was a simple black unadorned flag which simply meant SHOW NO QUARTER, or resisting will bring you death. This was carried by armies, charioteers and cavalry from before the birth of Christ, meaning to tell people being invaded that they will die and thusly keep resistance to a minimum. Sometime about the 16 century when the first of the known pirates came into being they simply used a flag of no quarter, for the same reason. The original marked black flag was to bring the master pirates name and reputation into the fear factor. Many believe the Jolly Roger as we know it, the skull and crossbones was more a Hollywood idea than factual history as only one actual pirate had a skull and crossbones but on his the skull was in a sideways or profile view.

The Different Pirate Flag Designs?

When people think of a pirate flag, they often think of the famous white skull and crossbones against a black background. But the pirate flag can be a personal statement as well as a colorful accessory to your pirate costume. Don't let popular conventions limit your imagination when it comes to a pirate flag. Start creating a flag with your own ideas and use some of the other popular historical designs to make your flag unique.Crossing SwordsIf you do decide to use a skull on your pirate flag, then you can use crossed swords instead of crossed bones as your design. The swords were meant to intimidate people, and an image of crossed swords on your pirate flag would be an intimidating part of your pirate costume.Family CrestPirates used their flags to identify themselves to other pirates. You can use that idea to create a pirate flag that is unique to you and your family. Do some research and find out what your family crest is and have that image put on a pirate flag. It not only makes for a unique looking flag, it also creates a conversation piece at parties.Profile SkullInstead of using the standard skull image that has the skull face looking straight ahead, try something different and have the skull head turned to a profile. It does not offer any additional significance other than it is a pirate flag look that not many other people would ever consider.Dagger MouthInstead of a crossbones or a crossed swords design, how about putting a dagger in your pirate skeleton's mouth. The pirate dagger is a popular image associated with the pirates of centuries ago. The skull face biting down on the blade of a dagger and giving a menacing look would be an effective pirate flag.Pirate flags can be personal statements as well as iconic costume images. Spend some time developing the design of your pirate flag to be sure that is gives the image that you are looking for.

What was the national flag for the roman empire?

The Roman empire had no national flag. The only flags were the military banners or "vexillum" or signal flags called "signum".The Roman empire had no national flag. The only flags were the military banners or "vexillum" or signal flags called "signum".The Roman empire had no national flag. The only flags were the military banners or "vexillum" or signal flags called "signum".The Roman empire had no national flag. The only flags were the military banners or "vexillum" or signal flags called "signum".The Roman empire had no national flag. The only flags were the military banners or "vexillum" or signal flags called "signum".The Roman empire had no national flag. The only flags were the military banners or "vexillum" or signal flags called "signum".The Roman empire had no national flag. The only flags were the military banners or "vexillum" or signal flags called "signum".The Roman empire had no national flag. The only flags were the military banners or "vexillum" or signal flags called "signum".The Roman empire had no national flag. The only flags were the military banners or "vexillum" or signal flags called "signum".

What does a skull and heart tattoo symbolize?

A skull and crossbones is usually a sign of something dangerous and warns a person not to enter ...or to fear death. They were long popular in the old school of tattooing on bikers to show one's outlaw side and now they are synonomous with heavy metal, outlaws and the 'wrong side of the tracks. As the art of tattooing has progressed as have the type of people sporting them, a skull and crossbones can be a new school tribute to the old school art...a way for someone to show there 'other' side. It might mean that the wearer of the skull and crossbones tattoo, is or is related to piracy (or he/she thinks of him/herself as a pirate) It is also a reminder of our own mortality. I dont have any tattoos yet, but the skull and crossbones for me is a symbol of a rebellious spirit. As well as demonstrating my love for horror. It may also be demonic. I got a morphed skull and crossbones, it is a combination of skull and bones and a human heart with aorta veins, It's a symbol of impending death, a reminder of my condition, a symbol of the struggle with my self to survive. You see I had a massive heart attack almost exactly a year ago, Feb. 11, 2005, surgery and recovery, change of lifestyle, all that stuff. I'm doing very well now. I'm very proud of this tattoo, I have several, but this one has special meaning only for me. So I think with all tattoos, they could hold a completely different meaning for anyone. The actually mearning very few know it really is a myth about Adam and Eve. somed up that Christ was hang above there graves at the place of the skull. In the old days, I mean the really old days, a skull and crossbones symbol would hang above the entrance to buildings and places related to death (mortuaries, graveyards and so on), to warn people not to go in there. As the years passed, it of course became a symbol of death or risk of death, like on crates of poison. It is originally not at all related to Nazism; Pretty much all nations in the world used this symbol on their uniforms, but as WWII was over, most people related it to Nazism, and therefore, other armies stopped using this symbol. When Emanuell Wynn started using this symbol (all pirates had their own symbol; Blackbeard had a full skeleton with horns, holding a spear towards a bleeding heart, Calico Jack had a skull with crossing cutlasses under it, Bartholomew Roberts (Black Bart) had a drawing of himself and a skeleton toasting, Thomas tew had a human arm holding a cutlass in the raised position), it was of course because it was related to poison and death, and this scared the fighting will out of anyone who saw a ship flying these colors. Pirates did not, however, use it to say "No quarter" ("take no prisoners", meaning that everyone would be killed). A full red flag in addition to the pirate's personal Jolly Roger meant "No quarter", a Jolly Roger simply meant "hello there, we are pirates, and if you look closely enough, you'll see who the captain is!". So, to sum up: 1. Death 2. Poison 3. Piratery 4. "Oooh, look at me, I'm tough"

Which bones of the skull are movable?

only the skull bone is movable

Which of skull bones are movable?

only the skull bone is movable

What are the flags of the countries the Romans invaded?

Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.Flags were not in use for nations during the time of the ancient Romans. The only flags used were the military flags used by the cavalry and sometimes by the infantry for parade purposes.

What are baby pirates called?

There are no baby pirates, only babies born to pirates.

Is there two flags in poptropica?

No there is only one

How many flags does Ohio have?

they only have one