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All Jews were forced in a concentration camp but most likely Jews didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes.Jews mostly had dark hair and brown eyes.But if a Jew did have blue eyes and blonde hair they would be sent to a Concentration camp.

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12y ago

Its because hitler wanted one race GERMAN wich those people had blue eyes and blode hair so if you were a jew who looked like that you would be very lucky

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Q: Did people with blond hair and blue eyes were put in a concentration camp?
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Continue Learning about General History

How many people survived in the concentration camp janowska?

6,000 People including Jews and people of other races were killed in the Janowska Concentration Camp.

Who created the dachau concentration camp?

Hitler designed Dachau concentration camp but it was the people who was going to be in it who built it.

What concentration camp was considered the largest?

Auschwitz was the largest concentration camp.

How many people died in the amersfoort camp?

Approximately 1000 people died in the Amersfoort concentration camp.

What makes American detainment camps similar to German concentration camps?

the difference is a concentration camp makes people suffer and a refuge camp helps people recover

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What would have happened if a blue eyed blond went to a concentration camp?

Individuals with Aryan features, such as being blue eyed and blond, were sometimes spared from immediate execution in Nazi concentration camps. However, they still faced harsh conditions, forced labor, and malnutrition like other prisoners. Their chances of survival depended on various factors, including their ability to adapt and evade suspicion from the guards.

How many people died in the captivity of the Belzec Concentration Camp?

525,000 people died in Belzec Concentration Camp.

How many people survived in the concentration camp janowska?

6,000 People including Jews and people of other races were killed in the Janowska Concentration Camp.

Why did the German go after the Jews not other raises?

Hitler and the Nazis went after anyone that was different like gypsies and African Americans. almost anyone who was not blond hair and blue eyes was put into a concentration camp, not everyone, but most

What was interesting about concentration camp?

There was nothing interesting about the concentration camp because the rights of the people were being infringed.

Who created the dachau concentration camp?

Hitler designed Dachau concentration camp but it was the people who was going to be in it who built it.

What people were sent to Hitler's concentration camp?

Jewish people were sent to Hitler's concentration camp. They were starved there, beaten and most were burned to death.

What concentration camp was considered the largest?

Auschwitz was the largest concentration camp.

What did Jewish people do at the concentration camp?

They died

Which concentration camp were people settle in a cattle car?

Pretty much all concentration camps had a railway track near to the camp where the deportees would arrive from. The concentration camp which people most likely to know which had a rail track going into the camp would be Auschwitz Birkenau.

How many people were in each concentration camp?

300,000 people

How many people died in the amersfoort camp?

Approximately 1000 people died in the Amersfoort concentration camp.