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Yes, they had their hair shaved off.

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Q: Did people in concentration camps have their hair shaved off?
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Why did the prisoners in nazi concentration camps have no beards?

Because the SS officers shaved all the prisoners as soon as they were taken off the cattle cars

How did the Naziz deshumanize Jews?

When They Arrived At Concentration Camps All Hair Was Shaved They Were Given The Exact Same Clothes And Treated All The Same Like Dirt

Who did Hitler not exterminate in the concentration camps?

he did not exterminate people with blonde hair and blue eyes

What happend to the people on the arrival to concentration camps?

they were processed: they stripped (and surrendered all of their possessions) they were inspected by the doctor they were given a number they had their hair shaved they showered they were de-loused they were given their uniforms they were allocated a barracks (this might have been done at the start)

Why was Anne Frank's hair shaved?

Her hair was shaved, because the Nazis did not want to deal with lice spreading through the camps and they wanted to treat the Jews like dirt evidently.

Why did they create concentration camps and what occurred in them?

During WW 2 Germany put Jewish people in concentration camps because their dictator (leader) Adolf Hitler hated Jewish because they were rich .In WW 1 they payed millions of dollars for their damage they caused.When they had the Jewish in the concentration camps they made them work hard plus they even shaved off their hair so they can die in the cold.They gave them one time to eat in the whole day they didn't even allowed babies their if the soldiers found out the Jewish they had a baby they would kill the baby and the mom.

What did they do at German concentration camps?

Hitler's whole idea was to kill all people who were not of the Arayan race (Blonde Hair and Blue eyes), Jews mostly, and at these concentration camps is where they would brutally kill them by hanging, burning, gassing, shooting, drowning, starving, etc.

What happened to people once in a concentration camp?

This depends which camp.At Auschwitz, men and women were separated, all hair was shaved, and they would either go to work or the gas chambers.

What happened to people that died in the concentration camps?

Their bodies were stripped of hair,gold teeth, and artificial body parts then tossed in a ditch or burned in the crematory.

What did Britney Spears do to her hair?

Well Britney spears shaved her hair because she was using drug. The people really wanted to know if she was using drugs so.. she had to shave her hair. So don't go to hate her just people she shaved her hair.

Who was forced to work at the camps caused by Hitler?

Yes. Part of the point of Nazi concentration camps, especially from about 1938 on, was to provide slave labour.

How would you say he has shaved hair in french?

Il a rasé ses cheveux. = He has shaved his hair.Il a des cheveux rasés. = He has shaved hair.