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No they didn't do human sacrifice.

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Q: Did people in ancient Egypt get sacrificed?
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What type of minerals were mined in ancient Egypt?

some of the people that lived there they are called ancient egypt people

What was the sword in ancient Egypt used for?

The sword in ancient Egypt was used to kill people in battles.

How did ancient Egyptians worship gods and goddesses?

They made sacrifices. they sacrificed people and animals.

What ancient civilization sacrificed twenty million people a year on average?

I believe it was the Aztecs.

Who are the ancient people that originally lived in Egypt?

Ancient Egyptians.

What bodies of water surronded ancient Egypt?

the nile river was the most important for the people in ancient egypt.

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They Believed that the weirdest of people where the best people and either made them Superior or sacrificed them

What was the only group of people that did not capture Ancient Egypt?

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What was the population in ancient Egypt?

There are no census numbers for Ancient Egypt. However, it is thought that the population was around 2 million people.

What kind of Egyptians are there?

There are 6 differenttipes of people in Ancient Egypt. But the most important are the Pharaohs. They were the RICHEST Egyptians in Ancient Egypt!