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Q: Did people hate the atomic bomb?
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What does people think about atomic bomb?

its a bomb that's atomic =) and blows up stuff. hope that helpsfirst of all its what DO people think of the atomic bomb ^-^ any ways the atomic bomb astonished everyone (exept scientists) it very amazing >.

What effects does the atomic bomb have on people?

It kills them

Where there servivors when the atomic bomb was dropped?

Yes, there was a number of people that survived the bomb.

How many American lives were saved by using the atomic bomb?

four million people would have did if we did not use the atomic bomb

How many people made the atomic bomb?


Who were the real victims of the atomic bomb?

Chinese people...

What did people do when the atomic bomb was dropped?


What effects did the atomic bomb have on the people?

birth defects

What is the difference between an atom bomb and an atomic bomb?

The atomic bomb killed millions of people in just one bomb , the napalm on the other hand , was nothing like it . Napalm is a chemical device ... it produces fire (it's also called jellied gasoline). An atomic bomb is a nuclear device ... and puts out considerably more energy.

How does the atomic bomb help people?

The atomic bomb helped peopole know more about radiation poisining and helped in the advancements in neuclear energy.

How many people died after the first atomic bomb iN MEXICO?

The atomic bomb has never been used in Mexico, but it has been used in Japan during World War II. The atomic bomb caused many devastating effects, such as deformities in people and crushing buildings.

Is Pakistani bomb is an Islamic bomb?

If you consider the US atomic bomb is a Christian bomb, the French atomic bomb is also Christian bomb and so on, then you can name the Pakistani atomic bomb an Islamic bomb.