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No he pooped his pants instead

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Q: Did paul revere meet George Washington?
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Did George Washington know Paul Revere?

yes they were in the war together

Who were Paul Revere's friends?

Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, William Dawes, Paul Revere

Who yelled ''The british are coming''?

Though he did not actually ride through the night shouting it, the saying "The British are Coming" is attributed to Paul Revere because of a famous poem written about him.

Who were Benedict Arnold's friends?

paul revere, george washington, nathanael greene, horatio gates, king george III, and general cornwallis

A leader in the American Revolution?

George Washington, Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Paul Revere, and Benjamin Franklin.

Who were fighting on the American Revolution?

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Who were famous people in the American Revolution?

George Washington, Samuel Adams, King George III John Adams, Paul Revere, and PATRICK HENRY

Where did Paul Revere's parents meet?

at a tavern

Who was the leader of the American side of the American Revolution?

George Washington, Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin.

How did Paul Revere meet his wife?

They met in the Saloon.

Who are the major figures in the Revolutionary War?

The major figures were probably George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Paul Revere. There are more that I probably have not mentioned.

Who were the American leaders of the American Revolution?

Mainly George Washington, but also Paul Revere, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, and Benjamin Franklin.