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Q: Did oliver cromwell start the Parliament?
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Did Oliver Cromwell hang members of parliament?

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Which figure in Parliament banned Christmas celebrations?

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Was oliver cromwell a monk?

No, he was a land-owner and a Member of Parliament.

Who led Parliament forces after the civil war in England?

Oliver Cromwell

Who was in charge after the English Civil War?

The first monarch after the English Civil War was Charles II.

What problems did Cromwell face in trying to rule England?

A giant mushroom.

Did Oliver Cromwell's armies defeat the Cavaliers?

The cavaliers were king Charles 1 troops in the English civil war. The Roundheads were led by Oliver Cromwell (parliament) and they won. Parliament (Roundheads), beat the king (cavaliers).

What did parliament believe?

They believed with Oliver Cromwell that there should'nt be any taxes by Charles I.

What job did oliver cromwell have in parliament?

He was there military leader in a long series of battles.

The leader of Parliament's forces during the English Civil War was?

Oliver Cromwell

Who agreed to the Habeas Corpus Act and to other demands of Parliament?

Oliver Cromwell was the person that agreed to the Habeas Corpus Act and to other demands made by the British Parliament. Oliver Cromwell was a military and political leader in England.

Did oliver cromwell start the English Civil War?

It was started by Charles I, not Cromwell.