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they refused anyway

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Q: Did oliver cromwell give the royalists a chance to surrender?
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Who did Oliver Cromwell and the Roundheads defeated?

The Royalists (supporters of the king).

Did the Royalsits like Oliver Cromwell?

The Royalists did not like Oliver Cromwell because he was the leader of the enemy: the Parliamentarian (or Roundhead) Army.

Why did the royalists hate Oliver Cromwell?

because there was a dispute between the two

Why did cromwell support the roundheads?

the roundheads was the nickname the royalists gave to the parliamentarians as an insult. Parliamentarians were puritan soldiers, Oliver Cromwell was also a Puritan (extreme protestant) and so he was in the Parliamentarian army.

Who were the key individuals involved in the English Civil war?

The two leaders in the first English Civil War were King Charles I and Thomas Fairfax.There were two armies in the English civil war: the Royalists (also known as the Cavaliers) and the parliamentarians (also known as the Roundheads). King Charles I lead the Royalists; Thomas Fairfax lead the Parliamentarians.

Who was the supporters of the civil war in 1642-1651?

The Royalists (also called Cavaliers) who followed the King Charles 1 and the Roundheads whose leader was Oliver Cromwell

What is Oliver Cromwell real name?

Oliver Cromwell

How can you use oliver cromwell in a sentence?

Oliver Cromwell was a famous man. Oliver Cromwell lived many years ago. Oliver Cromwell is dead.

Who is the father of oliver cromwell?

the father of Oliver Cromwell is Robert Cromwell

What caused civil war in England?

It was caused by Charles 1 and the Royalists arguing with oliver Cromwell and the palimentarians over many things, both sides were very greedy.

What were the names of the two sides in the English Civil War and who were their leaders?

The Royalists(Cavaliers) and the Parliment(roundheads). Oliver Cromwell was the leader of the Roundheads and Charles 1st was leader of the Cavaliers.

Did king Charles 1 win the battle of edgehill between him and oliver cromwell yes or no?

The Battle of Edgehill was inclonclusive - neither Royalists nor Parliamentarians achieved a victory. But, the Parliamentarian commander was Rupert Devereux, Earl of Essex - Oliver Cromwell was present at the battle but he was merely in charge of a cavalry troop.