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The muse of the revolution .

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Q: Did mercy Otis warren have any nicknames?
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Does mercy Otis warren have any daughters?

yupp , 504(; what a lucky man !

Who tutored Mercy Otis Warren?

Mercy Otis Warren was home schooled. Her home schooling emphasized Latin writers. She was furious that Harvard did not accept girls. She continued reading after she got married and left home. Her classical education did more for the United States in the era following the French and Indian War through the Federalist Period than any education Harvard probably would have given her. During the era of the Intolerable Acts she wrote plays about Roman Leaders opposing similar horrors as the ones England placed on the Colonies. She wrote plays expressing the reasons Rome had to fight wars to be a free people. When Washington received tremendous flack as president she wrote how Cincinnati had unwillingly returned a second time to lead Rome out of a mess. For her, home schooling in Latin was a great investment.

Where did the neutralists live?

First of all, it's "where" not "were". If you are talking about loyalist and patriot kind of neutralists then let me tell you that neutralists living in regular homes. They just didn't take any sides. Loyalists are colonists who remained loyal to Great Britain (EXAMPLE: Thomas Hutchinson), patriots are colonists who wanted independence (EXAMPLE: Mercy Otis Warren) and neutralists were colonists who took neither sides. Hope this helped!! :D

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Is Noah redding the brother of Otis redding?

Noah Redding is not the brother of Otis Redding. He is not related to late singer Otis Redding in any way.

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