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No. That did not factor into it very much. (It does fall under the header of the stereotype that many Germans believed that the Jews controlled the banks, but was not even a prominent part of that.)

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Q: Did germans hate jews because of interest rates?
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What was the psychological impact of the Holocaust?

The Germans answer to the Jewish question, racilist hate.

What was some of the reasons why hitler was able to convert so many germans to hate the jews?

Hitler did not really convert Germans to hate the Jews. Germany was already an anti-Semetic society when Hitler came to power and therefore, it was easy for Hitler to convince Germans to go along with his plans for Jews.

How did German Nazism and Italian Fascism attitudes about race differ?

they gave world another direction...Germans hate Jews while Italians hate black people

Why do people hate Germans?

The French hated the Germans in the late 1800s because the Germans attacked the French during WWI, because before the rise of Hitler, Germany wanted power.

Where do Jews originate from and do Jews still hate Germans?

There are two questions here:Where do Jews originate from?Jews are the people who historically come from the area that is now the countries of Israel and Palestine.Do Jews still hate Germans?Many Jews still have problems with buying prominent German products, such as cars, because of the association with the Holocaust, but would not demonstrate any prejudice towards German people. Conversely, many Germans might have a bit of hesitance in doing business with Israelis because of the political situation in Israel, but nothing close to prejudice. The reason for this rapprochement comes from the way that the Germans as society have apologized for the evil of the Holocaust to the Jews and the general acceptance and understanding with which Jews have responded to that apology.

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Why are Jewish children taught to hate Germans?

Jewish children are not taught to hate Germans.

Why did Germans hate the juice?

You do not know that. Its their opinion. You jerk.

Why do we have to take subjects you have no interest in?

because teachers hate us

Why do hate Hitler the German?

Hitler didn't hate Germans.

Who did Hitler not hate?

Well, he didn't hate the Nazis, they were his right hand men. He didn't hate Germans. He despised Jewish people though. Thus, the holocaust. He didn't hate blond haired blue eyed Germans, Who he considered the ultimate race. And that in itself is funny because blond hair and blue eyes are forms of mutation.

Did Germans hate the Jews?

No, not all Germans hates the Jews. However, the particular group of Germans that hates the Jews were called the Nazi Germans.

What was the psychological impact of the Holocaust?

The Germans answer to the Jewish question, racilist hate.

How do the dutch feel about the Germans?

Attitudes towards Germans in the Netherlands are generally positive, but historical tensions can occasionally arise due to WWII memories. Overall, there is a strong relationship between the two countries, with both being close partners in the European Union and sharing cultural, economic, and political ties.

Do Germans hate Gypsies?

In the history of Germany under the Nazis, there was a lot of hate for Gypsies, just as there was hate and intolerance for other groups. But as a whole, no. All Germans do not hate Gypsies. Hopefully we are growing past hatred as a society, and slowly learning to understand each other rather than nourishing old grudges and hatreds.

Does the Ku Klux Klan hate Germans?

Yes, mostly because they were numerous in immigration and predominantly Catholic. This caused German migrations to urban cities and the Midwest.

Why do French people hate Germans?

It is a generalization to say that all French people hate Germans. Historical events such as World War II may have contributed to tensions between the two countries in the past, but attitudes toward Germany have improved over time. Like any relationship between two countries, there can be political, cultural, or historical reasons for any perceived animosity.

What was some of the reasons why hitler was able to convert so many germans to hate the jews?

Hitler did not really convert Germans to hate the Jews. Germany was already an anti-Semetic society when Hitler came to power and therefore, it was easy for Hitler to convince Germans to go along with his plans for Jews.