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Q: Did francis Marion fight a war of hit and run tactics?
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Who was nicknamed the Swamp Fox during the Revolutionary War and made hit and run attacks?

Francis Marion

Who was nicknamed the swamp fox and why?

The swamp fox's actual name was Francis Marion. He made a small fighting force in South Carolina during the 1700's, harassing British troops. They would show up, attack the British, sabotage communication and supply lines, and rescue American prisoners. Marion was nicknamed "swamp fox" because after attacking the British, they would disappear into forests or swamps.

Hit in run tactics used in the Guerrilla warfare?

Hit and run simply means=not staying to fight (not sticking around).

Which wars used guerrilla warfare?

Nearly any and all wars have used "small unit hit & run" tactics; the Revolutionary War's Swamp Fox (Francis Marion) used them, the US Civil War's Quantrill Raiders used them, WWII commando raids, etc. Its nothing new.

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You use the same tactics from the fight with phantom Ganon after hurting him with his own magic shoot at him with the light arrow then jump to the middle platform and hit him

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Guerrilla Warfare?

Is a form of irregular warfare in which a small group of combatants such as armed civilians or irregulars use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.

What were the tactics of fighting in the Seven Years War?

In North America, hit and run tactics; guerrilla warfare.

What are some tactics for rounders?

Hit the ball with the racket

What is the difference between traditional battle tactics and guerrilla tactics?

Traditional tactics involve taking and holding territory, securing the area, and moving forward. Guerrilla fighters employ hit-and-run tactics.

Why does scout get into a fight with Francis What is the result?

Scout gets into a fight with Francis after he insults Atticus for defending Tom Robinson. The result is that Uncle Jack intervenes and punishes Scout for her behavior without fully understanding the situation.

What is a royal marine?

A Royal Marine is an elite soldier (better known as a commando) trained to fight in naval combat with handheld weapons. They are also amphibious infantry that are trained to fight on land. They fight close to the army being elite shock troops used for hit and run tactics. (This is how they're used in Afghanistan)