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There was a family camp at Auschwitz, they were held for the medical experiments.

For the most part males and females had separate camps, but they generally did not take families in. That was until the extermination camp was on-line.

For the extermination they would let the males and the females disrobe separately, even if they were to be executed together.

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Q: Did families get separated in Auschwitz Or did they get to stay in one sleeping chamber?
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Why were certain people separated from the others and led to the gas chamber?

At Auschwitz those regarded as unfit for work were shot or gassed as soon as possible after arrival.

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Well it is possible that hana escaped the gas chamber. changed her name so the Nazi's wouldn't recenize her. But that is probably not true so she really died in the gas chamber.

When people arived at extermination camps what was done to them leading up to therer deaths?

Not a lot, they may have been separated into men and women, but it was found that people would be more compliant if they were kept with their families for as long as possible. As most of the extermination camps had limited capacity in each 'chamber', it was different that when people arrived at Auschwitz.

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no that would have taken place in an abattoir

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