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Q: Did discrimination against black people end in the US after slavery was abolished?
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How did America change after slavery was abolished?

Of course it did! People were still pregidous against black people.

Who is the person who free the sladves?

You mean slaves ? There are a lot of people who abolished slavery and racial discrimination which led to slavery.The earliest form was Abraham Lincoln, who abolished slavery in the US.Followed by Martin King Luther in South Africa.

Why was slavery abolished in Thailand?

King Rama V abolished slavery in Thailand because he believed it to be degrading to people and unjust.

How do you use the word abolitionist in a sentence?

The abolitionist movement fought to end slavery in the 19th century.

How did people fight the system of slavery?

aberham lincoin abolished it.

Who or what group in the North was against Abraham Lincoln in 1864?

There were many groups and people who were against Abraham Lincoln in 1864. Anyone who did not want to see slavery abolished where the front runners. A group of Northerners known as the Copperheads were some fo the more vocal.

Why are non religious people against discrimination?

Religion doesn't automatically imply discrimination, though religion has been used as a reason for discrimination AND for fighting against discrimination. It all depends on the actual person, not all religious people are 'for discrimination', and not all non-religious people are against discrimination.

What was true about the thirteenth admendment?

Well it abolished slavery.. It said that people could be forced to work if they committed a crime.

What is discrimination against gay people called?

Discrimination is discrimination in any form.

Why should slavery be abolished where it still remains?

because we are inslaving people which is wrong

What religion has the group of people called untouchables?

The untouchables (or Dalit) are the lowest caste in the Hindu caste system. While discrimination based on caste has been prohibited and untouchability abolished under the Constitution of India, discrimination and prejudice against Dalits in South Asia remains.

How did life change for black people after slavery was abolished?

After slavery was abolished, black people experienced newfound freedom to move and work without legal bondage. However, they still faced systemic racism, discrimination, and violence, which persisted through laws like Jim Crow and continued social inequalities. The struggle for civil rights and equality became ongoing battles for black communities in the United States.