

Did daimyo counter shogun

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: Did daimyo counter shogun
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How did the daimyo help weaken the shoguns?

The daimyo help weaken the shogun by fighting to break free the shogun's control.

How did the Daimyo help weakened the shotgun?

The daimyo help weaken the shogun by fighting to break free the shogun's control.

Did the shogun or daimyo govern fairly?


What is a landowner that worked for the shogun called?

The Daimyo were the fuedal landlords for the shogun.

Who did samurai's serve?

Answer 1: SAmurais served their Shogun. A shogun was the military leader and as the years went on shogans became more incharge then the emperors. Answer 2: Samurai didn't serve the shogun, they served the daimyo, the Japanese lords. Then the daimyo would give the shogun loyalty and the service of some of the daimyo's samurai, in return for land which they gave some to the samurai. The shogun has (for example) 3 lots of land - A, B, C. Two lots of samurai -A,B - serve the daimyo. The shogun gives land lot B and C to the daimyo in return for samurai lot B. The daimyo gives land lot C to the samurai in return for their service. So even though samurai lot B 'serves' the shogun, they actually do that only because they serve the daimyo.

What order are samuraishogundaimyo in Medieval hierarchy?

Samurai was a status. All daimyo and shogun were of samurai status. Bushi was a warrior. If you would "rank" them, it would be: Bushi-Daimyo-Shogun.

Who overthrew the Japanese shogun in 1867?

the daimyo and samurai

What were the four official classes under the shogun and daimyo?


The Daimyo during the feudalism in Japan?

The Daimyo were regional lords, usually samurai, who ruled a Fife. They were responsible for keeping law and order, collecting taxes for the Shogun, assisting the Shogun in military endeavours as required. Not all Daimyo were good at their jobs. The title of Daimyo could be inherited from father to son, or awarded for services rendered by the Shogun.

Why did the Japanese tokugawa shogun control the daimyo?

To make them eat lollipops

What is the difference between Japanese daimyos shoguns samurai and emperors?

The shogun was the main "advisor" of the emperor. In truth the shogun had all of the control, as the emperor was just a figurehead. The daimyo were provincial rulers who had control over small amounts of territory and at different times had largely independent power.

What is the definition of daimyo?

(in feudal Japan) one of the great lords who were vassals of the shogun.