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Q: Did communists or non communists suffer more casualties in Cold War?
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Did Adolph Hitler hate communists?

Hitler hated the communists more then anything else

How did Harold godwinsons's army suffer against hardrada?

They didn't much, seeing as they won. However, they did take more casualties than they would have liked which contributed to the eventual defeat of Harold's army at Hastings

How many casualties did US suffer in landings on Normandy?

there were around 10,000 casualties on D-day

Did George S Patton and his troops suffer heavy?

Both George S Patton's units suffered casualties, generally no more than any other outfits. The US Marines suffered heavy casualties per unit at Iwo Jima in '45, General Buckner's 10th Army suffered heavy casualties at Okinawa, Admiral Turner's heavy cruisers suffered terribly at Savo Island in '42. Patton's son George S. Patton commanding the 11th ACR in Vietnam named his numerous gardens after men of his commmand killed in the war.

Why was World War 2 the deadlist war?

world war 2 was the deadliest war because there was more destruction,civilian casualties,and military casualties than any war.

Related questions

How many casualties did the Allies suffer?

It appears you need to provide more information...the Allies over history had casualties in wars large and small. Feel free to edit the answer for more specifics, and someone will answer it appropriately.

How did the American army suffer during the revoulutionary war?

With the winter cold and they had no shoes to where and some even died or when home because they did not want to suffer no more!

Which superpower contributed more to the cold war tensions?

It depends whos side you are on. To the communists, the answer would be the Allies. To the Allies, the answer would be the Soviet Union.

Why did the communists win the Chinese Civil War and what effect did their victory have on the domestic political situation in the US?

The communists won by having more determination. Their effect on the US domestic front simply meant an added communist power to contain, during the cold war.

How did Harold godwinsons's army suffer against hardrada?

They didn't much, seeing as they won. However, they did take more casualties than they would have liked which contributed to the eventual defeat of Harold's army at Hastings

Did Adolph Hitler hate communists?

Hitler hated the communists more then anything else

Who had more casualties in the civil war?

The North had more casualties but the south had a greater percentage of the total population killed.

The USSR and the US struggle for power was called what?

The Cold War was not about "gaining power". It was about maintaining the power the USSR and the US already had and to keep the communists from spreading any more of the communism.

What was the US trying to contain during the cold war?

== == To prevent the communists from gaining control of more nations without triggering a full scale war.

When was The More You Suffer created?

The More You Suffer was created on 2003-04-22.

Was the Korean war a turning point in the cold war why or why not?

The Korean War proved to the Communists that the US was willing to spill it's own blood to stop them.

Can you suffer from a common cold in Antarctica?

Yes. Your geographical location really doesn't matter when it comes to catching or suffering a common cold. Colds are caused by viruses. Although cold and flu are more common in winter when the absolute humidity level is more to the viruses' liking (they like it dry), you can have a cold in any location or weather condition if you are exposed to the virus that causes it. See the related questions below for more detail about being cold and having a cold, etc.