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You have your times confused. Cicero lived thirteen years before there was an "emperor". Cicero would have been horrified at the thought of a one man rule and would consider that type of government illegal.

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Q: Did cicero expect roman emperors to act in accordance with the law?
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Was Cicero a Trojan?

No, Cicero was a Roman.

Was cicero a roman emporer?

No, Cicero was one of Rome's greatest orators. He was basically a lawyer. He rose to the rank of counsul, and was a staunch supporter of the republic. He lived at the time of Julius Caesar, years before the idea of "emperor" was ever imagined.

How many roman emperors were there in total?

In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.

Why was Diocletian called Augustus during his rule of the eastern territory of the Roman Empire?

Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.

What were the powers of Roman emperors?

The powers of the Roman emperors wee absolute. They were absolute rulers.

Related questions

Did cicero roman emperors to act in accordance with the law?

You have your times confused. Cicero lived thirteen years before there was an "emperor". Cicero would have been horrified at the thought of a one man rule and would consider that type of government illegal.

Was Cicero a Trojan?

No, Cicero was a Roman.

Was cicero a roman emporer?

No, Cicero was one of Rome's greatest orators. He was basically a lawyer. He rose to the rank of counsul, and was a staunch supporter of the republic. He lived at the time of Julius Caesar, years before the idea of "emperor" was ever imagined.

How many roman emperors were there in total?

In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.

Why was Diocletian called Augustus during his rule of the eastern territory of the Roman Empire?

Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.Augustus was a title of Roman emperors which was added to the man's name.

Was Cicero Greek?

No, Cicero was Roman. Cicero could speak Greek and was educated in ancient Greek philosophy, poetry and history. He was important in the introduction of Greek philosophy to Roman society.

How many emperors did the roman empire have?

From Augustus (the first emperor) to the division of the Empire into Eastern and Western Empires in A.D. 395 there were 147 Roman Emperors, including 7 ruling the rebel Gallic empire and 2 leading the rebel British empire in defiance of central authority. After A.D.395 the Western Empire lasted until A.D476 under 23 emperors. The Eastern Empire lasted from A.D.395 to A.D.1453 under 94 emperors. From this you can see that the number of Roman emperors will be 147 if you count only the rulers of the United Roman Empire, or 9 fewer excluding rebel emperors, and many more if the Divided Empire totals of 23 and 94 more emperors are included.

Why was the town of cicero named after Marcus tullius cicero?

Marcus Tullius Cicero was Cicero's full name. Cicero was a Roman statesman, philosopher, political theorist and lawyer. He is considered one of Rome's greatest orators and prose stylists. He has been influential well beyond the ancient Roman times.

What were the powers of Roman emperors?

The powers of the Roman emperors wee absolute. They were absolute rulers.

What is Title assumed by all Roman emperors?

The title of all Roman emperors is Caesar.

What is a list Roman emperors?

There were 178 Roman emperors. Far too many to list here. To get them all, type in your browser, Roman Emperors/List or even just Roman Emperors, and you'll come up with sites that list them all.

Who was a great Roman orator with 4 letters to his name?

Cicero. His full name was Marcus Tullius Cicero, but we just refer to him as Cicero.