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Q: Did children whose father died in the war receive any benefits?
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Is there any way that my child can receive social security benefits from her father?

Minor children (under 18) are eligible for SS survivor benefits upon the death of a parent whose work history qualifies themin accordance withSS regulations. If a livingnon custodialparent is receiving SS benefits of any sort thosebenefits are subject to garnishment for child support obligations.

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Whoever got the cash.

If a mother has grown kids and she gets married to a man whose not their real father is he consider their father in law?

No. Your father-in-law is the father of your spouse. The mother's husband would be the step-father of her children. Their ages are irrelevant.

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No. George Washington had no biological children. He was stepfather to Martha Custis Washington's children (whose father had passed away).

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Aidan Curran a Canadian musician (whose parents are British) and they met at Sidmouth Folk Festival.

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Poseidon is his father.

Was Hosea the father of Gomer's children?

Yes, according to the Bible, Hosea was the father of Gomer's children as described in the Book of Hosea. Their relationship is used as a metaphor for God's relationship with Israel.

I have minor children whose father just died. his sister says he had a will and she is executor. she will not show me the will. it is not filed at the courthouse. my children's father and i are divorc?

Very likely, your state has a law that requires anyone in possession of a Will to deliver it to the court. You can file a motion with the court to require her to produce the Will.

What kind of scholarship is available to children whose father died?

It's not underway yet, but the Pennsylvania-based charity "Daddy's Spirit Moves Me Forward" plans to ultimately provide scholarships to children whose fathers have died, as part of the program's services. See website at

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Whose father was second president of the US?

One answer is John Quincy Adams whose father was John Adams, the 2nd president.