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Capital One Financial Corp received $3.56 billion in bailout money from the U.S. Treasury during the financial crisis of 2008. Capital One repaid the money with interest in less than one year. The U.S. Treasury made a profit of $252 million on the loan to Capital One.

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Q: Did capital one payback bailout money?
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What are the weaknesses of the payback method?

the payback method ... is a method to evaluate the project in capital budgeting ... or simply in a long term dicision making for the entity .and because it is a long term in nature ..... the risk is high ... by evaluatining methods ... we try to reduce the uncertinity ... one of the methods payback method . the disadvantage of the payback method is does not concern with the time value of money theory ....the second one is ignore the incash flow and the outcash flow of the project , after the payback period .

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There are many advantages of Capital one banking. 2.99% Loan Annual Payback Rate is just thee start! There is also the Onlineplus Online Saving at 1.10% APY! This is great. There are so many wonderful offers with Capital One.

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one word, but 2 syllables. Spelled: payback. :)

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One can open a money market account with Capital One by visiting the Capital One website. On the website one should follow the "Opening an Account" link.

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No, Capital One is not a good bank. Ratings of Capital One online show that many customers have complaints about Capital One and the service provided by them.

What does bailout mean?

See: Bailout refers to the action of helping out somebody in trouble. You can compare the bailout in financial terms to the bail or parol we get for someone in jail. In bailout, a company with strong financial status offers to help a company that is in dire financial needs. Such a scenario is where the stronger company bails out the weaker one.

What is post and pre issue capital?

Post and pre issue capital is one thing. It is capital and post money.

How do you you calculate payback without knowing how much was invested?

When considering, payback as in retribution, one should consider the consequences of said payback. One should also consider how the consequences of said payback will directly and indirectly effect all players. Never forget to figure into your calculations the possibility of a boomerang effect. Contemplate a plan "B" should payback not have the desired effects.

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Central Banks print so much money because it has attempted to bailout since the financial crisis in 2007. One intervention approach has been to printout more money in an attempt to become a money pump.

How does the cash advance of Capital One work?

The Capital One card allows for a cash advance on its card. This means one can take out money on the card in advance if there is no money available. There is a fee for the cash advance taken though. Check out the official Capital One site for more information.

What is one example of the governments trying to help American businesses?

If you remember 2008 and the "crisis," you recall the trillions in bailout money given to GM, Chrysler, AIG, and the other pigs at the trough.