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== == Because of the American society in the early and mostly mid 20th century, blacks and whites were kept completely separate. Whites did not consider blacks to be their equals, even though they have always been equal. To answer the question, yes they did go to the same schools, but they were separated; whites and blacks were not in the same class. A black teacher would teach the black students, and a white teacher would teach the white students. Also, black teachers would not get paid as much as white teachers. The above answer is true for some parts of the country, but not for all. In the north, and in the larger cities there was a good deal of mixing of the races. Still, below the mason-dixon line there was strict separation. Even of water fountains and laundry-mats. The country was less homoginized then so that there were every possible set-up as you moved from town to town.

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Q: Did blacks and whites go to the same schools in the early 20th century?
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Did blacks and whites attend the same schools in the early part of this century?

no blacks and whites attended the same school in 1954 hope this help's.

What did John F. Kennedy do to help the African American people?

In the early 1960's people with the different skin colour (Blacks and Whites) where treated differently. They had also had to use different public facilities. For example, Blacks couldn't eat in the same restaurants, drink out of the same drinking fountains, or use the same bathrooms as Whites. Blacks were lived in ghettos while Whites were moving into richer suburban areas. Many did not have a chance to vote. Blacks and Whites usually went to separate schools. President John F. Kennedy helped change this unfairness by developing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned segregation in the US schools and public places. It also started the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

What organization was founded by blacks and whites in the early 1900s?

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded in 1909 by a group of white and black social activists. The organization was started to fight racism and to insure the equality of rights of African Americans.

What was the American civil rights movement?

The black where separated from the whites because of the color of their skin. Also blacks had little rights. The blacks could not fight with whites, play, date, or marry a white person. The civil rights movement changed that so that blacks were able to have the same rights as white people.

When did the Black Irish come to US?

The term Black Irish was a term of abuse of poor Irish immigrants in the latter half of the nineteenth-century. It refers to the necessity of many of these immigrants taking menial jobs perceived by whites in the USA to be the preserve of Negroes (Blacks). It came about as a result of English/Protestant prejudices imported to the USA by the early colonists who saw the Irish as uncivilised and Catholicism as anti-everything for which Protestantism stood - freedom, democracy, capitalism etc. etc..

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Did blacks and whites attend the same schools in the early part of this century?

no blacks and whites attended the same school in 1954 hope this help's.

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What did John F. Kennedy do to help the African American people?

In the early 1960's people with the different skin colour (Blacks and Whites) where treated differently. They had also had to use different public facilities. For example, Blacks couldn't eat in the same restaurants, drink out of the same drinking fountains, or use the same bathrooms as Whites. Blacks were lived in ghettos while Whites were moving into richer suburban areas. Many did not have a chance to vote. Blacks and Whites usually went to separate schools. President John F. Kennedy helped change this unfairness by developing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned segregation in the US schools and public places. It also started the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

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the twentieth century expansion concided with better education for blacks

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I think it would be fair to say that in the earliest days of the Witnesses, in the late 19th century and early 20th century, then there would have been a bias towards that view. Please see the 'related links' below for an article that gives quotes from early Watchtower publications. But this was probably a reflection of the racial stereotypes more prevalent in society at the time.

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What organization was founded by blacks and whites in the early 1900s?

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded in 1909 by a group of white and black social activists. The organization was started to fight racism and to insure the equality of rights of African Americans.

What were the general functions of the black churches in the 19th century?

serving as schools in the early years after the Civil War, taking up social welfare functioserving as schools in the early years after the Civil War, taking up social welfare functionsns serving as schools in the early years after the Civil War, taking up social welfare functioserving as schools in the early years after the Civil War, taking up social welfare functionsns