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If there were, it was not very widespread. Anecdotal evidence we have from the "Schindlerjuden," the approximately 1100 Jews saved by Schindler, does not mention them as anything other than Jewish. After what they went through, they may not have been religious, but there is little evidence that they converted to Christianity.

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Q: Did anyone of the Jewish people that Oskar Schindler saved ever become Christians?
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Who would become Jewish?

Anyone "born in the wrong religion".

Why did Oliver Schindler become a good Jew?

If you're thinking of Oskar Schindler, he never became a Jew.

Can a baptist become a Jew?

Yes. Anyone who is serious about joining the Jewish faith is welcome.

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Schindler got the money to start his company via several donations from close acquaintances and family friends first, and then through countless investments in his idea and through bank accounts.

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In Schindler's List, Stern was first hired as Schindler's accountant. Originally, they were just business partners, but as the story progressed, they become more along the lines of friends.

Will all Jews convert to Christianity?

Some Jews become Christians, some Christians become Jews and even more Jews become atheists, or "secular Jews". A healthy society should see conversions from one to the other, in each direction.Jewish answer:No. Jewish converts to Christianity will be, and have always been, a minority.

What Christians used to call non-Christians?

Some non-Christians are called 'atheists'. Some are called 'Buddhists; others are called 'Hindus'. Others are called 'pagans'. To my knowledge, the original Bible text does NOT call anyone 'pagan'. There are Jews and Gentiles; but both of them can become Christians.

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The truth is she did not become jewish she was born jewish.

Do you have to be Jewish to become a Rabbi?

Yes, you have to be Jewish to become a Rabbi.

Why are people Jews or Christians?

Basic answer is that Jews are descendants of Judah (4th son of Israel) while Christians are followers of Jesus Christ and have the opportunity to become spiritual children of God (as does all mankind) see 2 Corinthians 6:18, etals.It is possible for someone born Jewish to be Christian. They are commonly called Messianic Jews. Conversely, it is possible for someone being a Christian to become Jewish by marriage or having a Jewish mother.Answer:People do not fall into one of two options (Jewish or Christian). There are a vast number of viable alternate religions that they may belong to.

Did Hitler force Jews to become Christians?

No. Nazi hatred of the Jews was based on race and not religion. Additionally, the Nazis would find anyone who was even 1/4 Jewish by blood and persecute them, even if they were devout Catholics or Protestants. ______________ The Nazis saw the Jews as a race, not a religion. The Holocaust wasn't a matter of religion.

Main characters in schindler's list?

The Nazis. If you're talking about the commandant at the camp, he is Amon Goeth.