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There is a tradition that John Crane was knocked out by a block and tackle during the Tea Party, the only significant accidental injury during the event. One retelling of this incident appears in Francis S. Drake's Tea Leaves, pp. cv-cvi: link.

However, the Tea Party has been so mythologized in American culture that a lot of families and local historians have passed down unfounded stories about it. Drake fell for some of those stories. He offers no citation for this anecdote. So I've been looking for an early source.

If I had to guess, I'd say the anecdote was accurate. It doesn't reflect particularly heroically on Crane or the companions who stashed him under wood shavings. Crane's activism in 1773 is documented, as is the presence at the Tea Party of several of his close associates. But I wish I could do more than guess.

J. L. Bell

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Q: Did anyone get hurt in the Boston Tea Party?
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The Boston Tea Party occurred in Boston. Many crates of tea were dumped into the Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party. that's all i can think of