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Q: Did ancient roman freeman get paid?
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Roman senators did not get paid anything.

What is a freeman in rome?

In Ancient Rome, a freeman is a man who was born to free parents although he may not be a Roman citizen. A freedman, on the other hand, is a man who was a slave but who has been freed.

How much was an ancient roman soldier paid per year?

225 Denari

What are ancient roman soldiers called when they are paid to fight?

Professional soldiers or the term of mercenary.

What does ther ancient roman flag symbolise?

There was no ancient Roman flag.There was no ancient Roman flag.There was no ancient Roman flag.There was no ancient Roman flag.There was no ancient Roman flag.There was no ancient Roman flag.There was no ancient Roman flag.There was no ancient Roman flag.There was no ancient Roman flag.

In contrast to artists in ancient Greece artists in Roman were?

anonymous, poorly paid workers

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Where did ancient roman blacksmiths get their supplies from?

Ancient roman miners and ancient roman charcoal makers.

Did the Ancient Roman army get paid to fight in battles?

Of course they got paid. Would you work for nothing? Some of them were paid very well for their services. Even slaves were given money in the form of tips and bonuses for jobs well done.

Did the ancient Romans use ancient Greek drachma?

Yes, at times they did. The value of the money was in the metal of the coin. If the drachma had the same amount of metal as the Roman coin, it was used. There are even records of the Roman army being paid in drachmas rather than denarii.

What is a central room in wealthy Roman's homes?

The main room of an ancient Roman house was the "atrium".The main room of an ancient Roman house was the "atrium".The main room of an ancient Roman house was the "atrium".The main room of an ancient Roman house was the "atrium".The main room of an ancient Roman house was the "atrium".The main room of an ancient Roman house was the "atrium".The main room of an ancient Roman house was the "atrium".The main room of an ancient Roman house was the "atrium".The main room of an ancient Roman house was the "atrium".

Who is the roman soldier that was paid to fight?

All Roman soldiers were paid. They were professional soldiers.